Six years ago “Greetings, child. It took much time and expense to acquire you. Let us see if it was worth it.” A prick of a needle, and the pink-hued one-year-old girl howled. “Yes, feel the pain. It is yours. In time, you will learn to feed on it – it will give you power.” […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: SWTOR Bedisa: Letters 8 years, 7 months ago
Dear Mother and Father, Please forgive me for the long wait since last we spoke. I attempted to place a holocall earlier, and I hope you received my message then. Father must still be very busy with the […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: SWTOR Bedisa: Conflict 8 years, 7 months ago
I am nothing. What can I do? I stand by Brembal, I love him, and despite our conflict, our recent fights, our reunion, I do not think I can leave him. Something about him… his power. Passion. Vitality and […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: WoW Wallaroo: Breathing 8 years, 7 months ago
She stood on the cliff’s edge at Westgarde, breathing deeply. One foot was lifted, raised out, pressed against her knee, then her hands raised, and lowered to rest palms together in front of her chest. Wei […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: SWTOR Bedisa: Understanding. 8 years, 7 months ago
I think perhaps I was unprepared. And that is an understatement. This life, outside of Tython, is far, far more complex then I could have imagined. These emotions, far more powerful. I thought I could manage it, […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: SWTOR Bedisa: Peace 8 years, 7 months ago
Bedisa strode into the bedroom of the luxury suite Brembal had booked. Leaving him outside the doors, for now. A few breaths later she had her hand on a table, leaning on it for support. The anger…oh gods, the […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: SWTOR Bedisa: Storms 8 years, 7 months ago
She walked out to the far edges of the desert compound, wearing just a simply, light robe, a hood purely to protect her head from the worst of the sun. Bedisa didn’t mind the heat, not even on Tattooine, and she […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: SWTOR Bedisa: Flawless 8 years, 8 months ago
If there is anything I have learned so far, it is that no one is without flaw. What…surprises me, maybe, is that I am aware, and have mentioned before, that Brembal himself is most certainly one of those people. […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: SWTOR Bedisa: Whispers (R) 8 years, 8 months ago
Hands to skin. Whispers. Sighs. Soft sounds. Passion. Touching, lips. Intertwined. Touching, a smile, another whisper. Warmth, a hint of greater heat, brushing of hand to skin again. Whispers. Surprise. She […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: SWTOR Bedisa: Strength 8 years, 8 months ago
I need to be strong. Brembal is many things, deceptive, complex, honest. Cruel. Angry. But loving, in his way, and as he always says, passionate. He is a tempest of a man and I am a very young woman caught up in […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: SWTOR Bedisa: Love 8 years, 8 months ago
I am not sure what to make of Brembal sometimes. I love him, I do. I see the good in him that others do not, and it did distress me to see how uneasy my friends were when they were forced to land on Tattooine due […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: SWTOR Mahv: Business 8 years, 8 months ago
“Listen, Lord so and so, I don’t much care for what was promised, what I DO care about is my money.” Boots kicked up on the edge of the holoterminal, and a chair leaned back. “You red skinned devil woman….” “Oh, […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: SWTOR: Bedisa's Journal, Serenity 8 years, 8 months ago
What joy I have. Brembal has spoken so deeply and fervently of passion, of how it moves the Force…and I have spoken to him, more then once, of how it is not the one and only motivator. But oh, I have felt i […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: SWTOR: Dreams 8 years, 9 months ago
Bedisa awoke slowly from her slumber, frowning as she did so. How strange, she thought. There was a dark thread, half a vision, half a feeling, that troubled her rest, enough so her eyes finally flicked open a few […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: SWTOR: Living with a Lie. 8 years, 9 months ago
Bedisa looked out from her apartment window over the cityscape of Coruscant. Her calm was absolute. It must be. It must remain so. But it had been so hard to do lately. Be the good girl. A model Jedi. A graduated […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: Wallaroo's Journal: Westgarde 8 years, 9 months ago
Wallaroo lay on the bed, curled up in sleep. Stirring, slightly, as dawn approached, and the soft, cool air of Westgarde blew in. Her dreams had been odd. Half remembered, voiceless, and all but sightless, vague […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: SWTOR: Thoughts and a Price, Bedisa's Journal 8 years, 9 months ago
I must begin making my plans. I suppose that when I started all this, when I first left Tython, when I decided to come to Coruscant to begin my training and research, that I didn’t imagine my path would lie in […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: Wallaroo: Aftermath 8 years, 9 months ago
Wallaroo fell into the bed in the Templar’s Stormwind quarters, tired to a point she hadn’t been for…months. Healing wasn’t her forte, but she knew the basics, she knew how to keep people alive. She’d had to […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: SWTOR: Bedisa's Letter 8 years, 10 months ago
The letter is left lying in the Nar Shadaa flat, on a simple generic datapad, although a small paper card is left beside it signed “Bedisa” in a neat, flowing hand. Dear sir, I suppose I shall be clear from the […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: SWTOR: Bedisa's Journal 8 years, 10 months ago
How I wish I could bring this before the masters… my head is spinning, and for once I am unsure on how to proceed. My whole life, nearly my whole life, I have been taught that passion, attraction, are things to […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: SWTOR: Bedisa's Journal 8 years, 11 months ago
What is the nature of the Force? Of all things, I did not imagine that a Sith would be the one to spur on my studies after leaving Tython. That I was going to was a certainty, of course, but with the galaxy ahead […]