My Dearest Leitha,

Words cannot express how proud I am at the progress in your training. Not a week goes by that I do not receive a message from your instructors commenting on your diligence and steadfastness. At times what you are learning may seem trivial, but take my advice to heart and keep it close. Nothing is trivial. You are very correct in the last virtue, my beacon of the Light. Compassion can be the hardest virtue to learn, but it is also the easiest to forget or lose. Your mother reminds me of it continually, whether I want to hear it or not.

Your mother is afflicted by a condition that cannot be cured or healed by magic or the Light. Her own memories when she was younger are causing her grief and stress. I ask that you continue to keep her company whenever you can, and to keep her in your prayers to the Light. I will be seeing you both soon, regardless. I miss you both terribly, and are always in my thoughts and prayers as well.

Your father,
Acele Walkinson

Author Acele
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