((Click here to open the song in spotify.))

Many evenings, the members of the Dawn could actually find Tove in the tavern. 

Sometimes she was bantering with the barkeep, or waging her own personal assault on the ale stores. Other times she would weave tales–teaching stories of the Spirits, or some retelling of bravado. It wasn’t unusual for Luuk, Ambrosine, or Rikvi to feature in these tales.

But this night…and some other nights…the first sign of an audience would have her singing. Her voice was pitched low for human tastes–a soprano the ranger was not–but this suited the sea songs and battle songs she favored of late.

She stuck to popular tavern songs until the night drew wan and her audience was at risk of evaporating before they met their namesake. Then Tove sang them to their beds… 

Sleep bonnie pirate laddie, while the waves they roll

Sleep bonnie pirate laddie, ocean breezes blow

Feel the ship rock to and fro, hear wind through rigging sigh

The gentle ocean sounds below, a pirate lullaby

Storms rise upon the seas as clouds darken up high,

See the sails begin to stretch, as winds fall from the sky,

Waves roll and toss the ship, roughly from side to side

Taste the salt upon your lips from the fury of the tide.

Grab the hatches, batten down as waves they crest the bow,

Main sail furl, secure the deck else every man might drown,

Drop the anchor ride the storm, and pray with all your might,

Feel thunder clap and racing heart, as you struggle for your life.

Sleep bonnie pirate laddie, while the waves they roll

Sleep bonnie pirate laddie, ocean breezes blow

Feel the ship rock to and fro, hear wind through rigging sigh

The gentle ocean sounds below, a pirate lullaby

Storm doth wane and fade away, as clouds drift off with sighs,

See on high, the azure hue, of gentle soft blue skies,

Waves fall and calm goes all, the sea now lightly rolls,

Taste the tang of sea and sweat, as salt winds gently blow.

Grasp the ropes and hoist the sails, it’s back to port your bound,

The main sail billows large and full, soon you’ll be on dry ground,

Weigh the anchor, spin the wheel, this day o’er nature win,

Feel spray of sea, the ocean’s kiss, you’re on your way again.

Sleep bonnie pirate laddie, while the waves they roll

Sleep bonnie pirate laddie, ocean breezes blow

Feel the ship rock to and fro, hear wind through rigging sigh

The gentle ocean sounds below, a pirate lullaby 

Author Ambrosine
Views 709

Comments (1)

  • jander
    April 11, 2018 at 4:24 pm
    Classic Tove Talespinner amirite

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