Dearest Mama and Papa,

I know I haven’t written. Sometimes I just can’t bear to look at quill and parchment. I miss home terribly. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job and the travel. However, I miss the feel of the dirt of the pumpkin patch on my bare feet. It sure will be nice to be back in Duskwood. Have you heard from Archie? He wasn’t too keen on my leaving to join the service. I hope to see him after I get settled into the new express office in Darkshire.

How are Duncan and Florence? I guess school will be almost over soon since it’s almost planting season again. I’m including stamps for them to collect. Apparently it’s all the rage in Stormwind. These are rare ones, only a few were printed.

Oh, and I’m including a picture of me in my new uniform. It’s armored. They said it was the new standard issue for carriers in the area. I’ve got to get back to work. I love you and miss you all dearly.




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