He was sitting against the outer wall of the keep. Silent. Immobile.

He barely felt the temperature, or the snow slowly gathering over him.

Shapes moved in front of him. Voices… muffled around him.

There were talking to him, but he couldn’t hear.

All, save for one.

Your fault…

He shouldn’t have waited so long to set out when Cap did not report to the guild for weeks.

Your fault…

He shouldn’t have gone alone, and wasted time in fruitless wandering.

Your fault…

He should have waited for Tove.

Your fault…

He should have returned to the guild sooner.

Your fault…

He should have urged them to get there faster.

Ironwood was gone.

And it was his fault.

Author BluJ
Views 609

Comments (1)

  • maddace
    November 26, 2019 at 1:39 am
    why you gotta hurt us like this my friend [keep going, this is good]

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