Ambrosine returned to Cap’s side, glad that her audience had, at last, evaporated. She was actually quite irritated at the people who had decided yelling was the proper course of action–for one thing, healing was delicate mental work on her end, and who operated well when there was yelling? No one, that’s who.

It may have made them feel better, but they’d have to learn to be less selfish.

(But, well, she was a battlefield medic. Healing while there was yelling was nothing compared to some things she’d done, but that didn’t mean she liked it.)

So she may have grumbled a bit as she drew a curtain across the little alcove. “Now comes the lack of dignity,” she said to a Cap who was more asleep than not. 

The soft tap of a staff against the stone was all the warning she had of Tove’s arrival. The ranger slid in, a white wolf at her heels. “Ambrosine,” she said quietly, although her eyes were all for Cap. “Well, if he doesn’t just look like something the cat dragged in.”

“Doesn’t he? I’m pretty sure he slid down the stairs after closing the doors. How he literally dragged himself here I have no idea. I need your help, please.”

Tove put the staff aside and rolled up her sleeves. “I’m surprised you summoned me and not Mina. She’s your student, after all.”

“I’m not sure Cap would appreciate her bubbly personality right now. Besides, I need help manhandling him, and you’re stronger.”

“But Ambrosine,” Tove said, eyes bright, “I have it on good authoring Mina has manhandled Norn be-“

“Tove,” Ambrosine said warningly, although she laughed. 

At least Tove had the sense to keep all witty remarks to herself as they removed Cap’s clothes and cleaned him up, letting druidic light settling over him to tackle the myriad of smaller injuries they uncovered.

Ambrosine draped him with a blanket, then leaned heavily against the bed. Her pale skin looked bruised under her eyes.

“Go home,” Tove said, frowning. “You’ve taken too much of the healing burden.”

She waved a hand dismissively. “I had to fuel it entirely myself. His body couldn’t handle much load.”

“That’s not quite what I meant and you know it. I’ll concede that your healing is better for dire emergencies than mine, but he’s well past the point now where my art can handle him. Go home. Your wife is waiting.”

Too tired to argue, Ambrosine walked out past her desk, out to collect Trouble and head home.

Tove sighed deeply, making a mental note to practice her healing more. Ambrosine would need people to spell her, and why let these skills rot just because she was traveling alone half the time? A vine wiggled out from between two stones and twined up a table leg. The tendril gently twined itself around Cap’s wrist–not a restraint, and it would snap without much effort. Just a way of keeping tabs while Tove curled up on her bedroll in a corner somewhere. 

…or, well, on one of the other beds, because Randulfr took one look at the stone floor and whined. “Wow, you are such a baby.” She folded her bedroll in half and laid it at the foot of the bed, and the wolf flopped down on it, still affronted.

Thus guarded, Ironwood was left in peace, with only the sound of softly sung sea shanties to disturb the quiet. 

Sleep bonnie pirate laddie, while the waves they roll
Sleep bonnie pirate laddie, ocean breezes blow
Feel the ship rock to and fro, hear wind through rigging sigh
The gentle ocean sounds below, a pirate lullaby

Storms rise upon the seas as clouds darken up high,
See the sails begin to stretch, as winds fall from the sky,
Waves roll and toss the ship, roughly from side to side
Taste the salt upon your lips from the fury of the tide.

Grab the hatches, batten down as waves they crest the bow,
Main sail furl, secure the deck else every man might drown,
Drop the anchor ride the storm, and pray with all your might,
Feel thunder clap and racing heart, as you struggle for your life.

Sleep bonnie pirate laddie, while the waves they roll
Sleep bonnie pirate laddie, ocean breezes blow
Feel the ship rock to and fro, hear wind through rigging sigh
The gentle ocean sounds below, a pirate lullaby

Storm doth wane and fade away, as clouds drift off with sighs,
See on high, the azure hue, of gentle soft blue skies,
Waves fall and calm goes all, the sea now lightly rolls,
Taste the tang of sea and sweat, as salt winds gently blow.

Grasp the ropes and hoist the sails, it’s back to port your bound,
The main sail billows large and full, soon you’ll be on dry ground,
Weigh the anchor, spin the wheel, this day o’er nature win,
Feel spray of sea, the ocean’s kiss, you’re on your way again.

Sleep bonnie pirate laddie, while the waves they roll
Sleep bonnie pirate laddie, ocean breezes blow
Feel the ship rock to and fro, hear wind through rigging sigh
The gentle ocean sounds below, a pirate lullaby 

Author Ambrosine
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