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Originally written Nov. 6, 2009.

The situation with Kanta Wildsabre has not improved, but it seems that at least the bond between myself and Akilana has reformed. My actions were misinterpreted, and misinterpreted horribly. I was a fool for not catching it earlier, her wounds went on for days. This was something that I ordinarily would not have missed, I have been too distracted as of late.


It has become clear that someone or some force is to blame for what has befallen Althwyn and Kanta Wildsabre. To what end, it is still something that we investigate. For now, I tire of being the Marksman's shadow and a matron to his every move. I seek the puppetmaster, to put an end to all this confusion and hate. I have laid awake too many nights deciding the Marksman's punishment, but that has robbed me of too much needed rest. Perhaps the argument with Akilana would not have happened had I been more focused.


Throdin commented that my stress was obvious. He put forth one solution, but it would be impossible. Not at least until this war reaches an end.


Perhaps one day I will put thought towards it, having a family with someone else. But having too close of ties at this moment would be dangerous for him and me both. At times I wonder whether the Greymane Wall and Third War have carried with me for too long.


These thoughts I will delve into later. There is a plotter to capture and kill.

Author Ari
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