Community Manager of TRGNetwork, site admin/developer.

Originally written April 9, 2012.

Theramore has played host to two feral worgen the last three days. Sielic and Janderius brought them to us, and for the second time this month, our keep cells were occupied. But these worgen were not enemies, they were a Templar and friend.


The worgen curse is an enigma, something that to me seems to have conflicting origins. Some claim that it was first brought to Azeroth by the kal'dorei, and yet other legends speak of a madman by Greymane Wall, harboring his own secrets and creating a personal worgen army. I am uncertain which legend is true, or whether they are somehow connected. Regardless of origin, Velhari Demare and Halonan Orebender gained the curse during their time in Gilneas, and lost themselves to the feral beast.


It took some time before a potent enough drought was concocted for them. The ritual to restore humanity from the curse is intricate, I learned, and we undertook it with caution. Even so, both were reluctant to drink the remedy, as any untrusting feral beast would. What remains is a druidic ritual that still must be arranged before the drought loses its hold.


I cannot grasp at the horrors that delivered the curse to them, and the personal anguish that restoring their humanity likely brought. Halonan Orebender is a passionate man who often falls victim to his emotional highs and lows, this experience has likely brought a personal shame upon him that only another epiphany could shake. Velhari Demare is more of a mystery, she is a woman who possesses a quiet inner strength, and though I am certain she will overcome this angst in quick time, she appears to bear a deep resentment toward Halonan. It is clear that she holds him responsible for this turn of events, but I will leave them alone to resolve it. It is not my place.


Sielic and Captain Morgan played part in administering the drought. It was intentional to place humane worgen in the room as Halonan and Velhari came to themselves. Perhaps a glimpse at two men who overcame and made peace with the curse will help with their personal struggles in the coming days. We will see.

Author Ari
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