Community Manager of TRGNetwork, site admin/developer.

Originally written Jan. 20, 2010.

We have been strangely fortunate and unfortunate as of late. Days after we captured the elusive satyr, Lanria slipped away from her house arrest. We gained one advantage and lost another.


The trail in Duskwood went cold quickly. I await word on where she or Kalren may appear next. Kalren is more likely to fumble and show himself first, we may simply have to be patient.


At the very least, the satyr will lead to the end of these shards, but I tire of his boasting and lies. It will be difficult to make the creator destroy his own creations, but I pray that we will see his capture turn more to our favor soon.


The political game these shards have sparked has gnawed at my patience, there are more important things at hand. We only need to form a strategy that can soundly dismantle the Knights, including their Overseer, and free us for duties elsewhere.


Perhaps it is time for another meeting. Although trust between all of us seems thin, there is still a pact to honor – till it expires.

Author Ari
Views 599


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