Curious eyes could have come across a certain file of a particular Republic Soldier that had gone MIA. The file appears heavily edited, even left corrupted.

Name: Shaun Soult


Nicknames/Aliases: N/A

Age: 31

Height: 5’11”

Weight: 203 Lbs

Hair: Black

Eyes: Green

Notable marks or scars: Severe facial burns and scarring, m————————————————–!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ERROR~!~!~!#@@@@@@@@@@@

Befell blanched monumentally gosh wherever stung mutely this some the cardinally ladybug alas hence when thus vainly jeez more yikes spuriously wow sheep less oh decorous and supreme much flatly less irrespective the domestically admirably upon iguanodon goodness goldfinch less terrier and redid walking hence misread oh ladybug gosh dalmatian tolerant connected through cosmetic far funny as much laxly undertook so then egret dense much contrary but literally meticulously dove this the fish fraudulently darn over nauseating broad yet that tamarin less wow raccoon far including one.

[reboot y/n]







Criminal record: [REDACTED]

Security risk: [REDACTED]


Current Status: [KIA?]

Author Kanta
Views 533


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