I told Viesa abowt Miss Saje being my new master but I told her she is my reel master. It is still hard to say master out lowd but I did it three times. Oh I shood do it here to. Master Viesa can do any thing. She prooved that agin last nite when she fiksed ice creem so it dosint hurt me any more. She is such a grate doktir! She brawt the man back to life and fiksed ice creem. There is nuthing she cant do. I saved Mr Holonin from freezing in the hot tub. Viesa I meen Master Viesas frend Miss Ass sed that alkohal helps when fyting and Master Viesa says Miss Ass is smart, so it must be true. Master Viesa sed we had to limit owr drinks so we only had three blue drinks. it was enuf to feel the force, and I used it to save Mr Halonin. I only hit him afew times. Then bigwig Jaky boiled the water. im not suposed to call her bigwig in public bekuze she cant get presents if I do. I dont understand it but Viesa I meen Master Viesa says to just call her Jaky in public. I will still call her by her reel title heer thow. Bigwig Jaky is marryed to Mr Halonan wich makes a lot of sense. They fyt all the time. Master Viesa says theyr getting a divorse but I think they will work it owt. They cleerly luv eachuther alot. We are trayning to fyt Zatul. He is a bad giy hoo makes us pay taxes. or some thing. its very confusing but we need to stab him in the bak of his nek. Master Viesa is very exited. 

Author Sunscryer
Views 664


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