Community Manager of TRGNetwork, site admin/developer.

Related: RP Prompt 1. Remember that how the character gets the wish and the consequences of the wish are up to you! This my take on the prompt though it won’t be considered in the running. ))


Shop goers often deposited odd knick knacks or minor relics at Idella’s shop, to the point that the witch was accustomed to receive bizarre packages. One box mooed loud and impatiently on her doorstep until she finally drew herself out of bed and took it inside. Another allegedly chased away potential shoppers until Idella leashed and trained it to alert her to potential burglars overnight. For the non-animate sort, their wrappings were creative at best, presumably whatever was found around the house to hide it from view. Idella found deliveries wrapped in tablecloths, considerate wrapping paper, or questionable handkerchiefs.

The latest deposit was an urn in desperate need of a new coat of gloss. From its make, Idella assumed it was from the northern kindgoms. Perhaps a set of ashes for a family that escaped Lordaeron but left belongings behind. Underground markets graciously dealt in Lordearon relics, banking on desperation, novelty, and nostalgia, though then years later most claims of authenticity were dubious at best. But its etching were curious, depicting scenes of some sort of historic or ritual variety. And so the urn jumped to the head of Idella’s queue.

“Okay, let’s take a good look at you!” Dapping a clean cloth in a lemon-scented oil, Idella gently wiped the urn surface. The oils swiped away dust and dirt, brightening the etchings. “Huh! Looks like something Troll… ish… wha?” 

With a shudder and jerk, the urn tugged out of her hands and onto the floor. Worried for the top and presumed ashes inside, Idella lunged to grab for it. But with another jerk, it avoided her grasp and rolled to the center of the room and — curious! — pulled itself upright. Opening its top, it burped a puff of smoke and a tiny, naked djinn poofed out.

“Well hi,” he waved cheerfully at her.

“Aaah!” With a shriek, Idella dove behind the shop counter.

“Well, that’s just rude,” the djinn pouted, floating midair with his arms crossed. He was not unlike a cherub in his proportions, save his curly goatee, pierced ears, and purple skin. He floated about the room, taking a quick survey of his surroundings. “Huh, kinda big on the labeling, arent’cha?” He bent and peered at the meticulous labeling of her herb shelf.

Recovered from the initial shock, Idella poked out from behind the countertop then darted back under. “You’re naked!”

“No, I’m not. I’m a djinn — well, djinn-in-training,” the floating man replied indignantly, waving a hand.

“Djinn?” Idella blurted aloud. Her curiosity finally overcame the fear and embarrassment of a tiny, naked purple man floating around her shop. “Wait like… like in Uldum?”

“Well yeah,” the djinn shrugged. “But some merchant made off with my house,” he indicated the urn on the floor. “Been bouncing around this side of the globe for a little while.” He took curious inventory of the shop, floating himself upside-down for a better vantage point.

“Oh,” Idella slowly excavated herself from behind the counter. “Oh. Oh… OH! You grant wishes!”

Wish, I grant a wish, yeah. Just one. Djinn-in-training, remember? It’s why I’m — ” The djinn began.

” — naked?” Idella offered.

” — small. Well, in stature. Not size. Not down there, at least. C’mon, kid. You really that scared of naked people?” The djinn raised a brow.


“Yeah, nevermind. So yeah, you get a wish. One wish, but there’s a catch. It’s the whole djinn-in-training thing, each of us gets a limit. So mine’s that you can’t wish for something for yourself. Can’t benefit you at all, kid. Else you’ll catch on fire, maybe die or something, get duck feet…”

“…wait, duck feet?” Idella blinked.

“Well, just one of many possibilities,” the djinn waved a hand then raised another eyebrow. “Wait. That’s the one you’re most worried about? Duck feet? Not death? Fire? Explosions?”

Idella blushed. “Well, it just seemed weird compared to the others. And maybe not so bad — “

“Duck feet. Like, not being able to wear shoes. Regulate body temperate. Look stupid. You’d be a decent swimmer, though. You know, like real ducks. Duck feet!” the djinn said impatiently.

“I… really don’t know that much about ducks,” Idella replied sheepishly.

“Apparently,” the djinn stared then sighed. “Look, kid. As fun as this is, I got a quota. The more wishes I get done, the closer I get to finishing this training thing. So what’ll it be?”

Presented with the sudden opportunity, Idella froze. Something that wouldn’t benefit her? Otherwise death, or duck feet? What does “benefit” mean? Maybe a random wish would be best, but wait. What if it ended up benefitting her somehow, anyway? What kind of wish would be safest?

“Um,” she drew a blank. The djinn stared expectantly at her. “Can… I ask a few questions first?”

The djinn sighed, reclining backwards. He almost seemed to be expecting this. “Fine, fine. Go ahead.”

“If I wish for something that I didn’t think would benefit me but it ends up doing it anyway, will I still get duck feet?”

The djinn rolled his eyes. “Ugh, off with the duck feet already. You got a one in an infinity chance at that one. And yeah, answer’s yes. The way this works, it’s pretty cut-and-dry. If benefits you then you’re stuck.”

“Oh,” Idella’s eyes tracked to the floor. “So… even if I made a wish to not have a wish, does that count?”

The djinn peered at her, eyes glittering. “Sorry kid, can’t answer hypotheticals.”

The young witch puzzled, working through the possibilities. 

Maybe this was a riddle! Wait, no. There was a wish involved, after all. Is it really a riddle when wishes are in the mix?

Maybe if she wished a random stranger she spotted on the street something nice! But wait, wouldn’t the good feelings associated with that technically benefit her?

Maybe if she wished for something nice to happen to some random planet! But wait, did the wish require specifics? Would she have to name the planet? Other than maybe Alternate Draenor and Argus, Idella struggled to come up with planets. Did timeline matter? Maybe Argus, then? What would she wish for? Good weather? But wasn’t the Legion on Argus? Wouldn’t good weather upset them and therefore benefit —

Okay, maybe she needed another idea. Maybe if… 

Wrestling with possibilities, Idella sat and contemplated while the djinn floated overhead. He intermittently sighed, apparently used to wish paralysis. After an hour, he inquired for the bathroom and Idella indicated the upstairs. He returned fifteen minutes later with a book in hand, already on the page thirty or so, apparently taking up one of her romance novels while he did his business. As he thumbed through the rest of it, the sun set outside.

“Huh, so she didn’t go with Forsaken guy,” the djinn groused as he finished reading. “Lame. Definitely the better choice.” Eyeing Idella from the top of the book page, he sighed again. “Look, if this is gonna take a while, can I at least get another book?”

“What?” Idella looked up, startled from her deep thought. “Oh. Oh, sure.”

“Every time,” the djinn sighed as he floated back upstairs, muttering to himself. “Should’nt have put a thumb tack on Master’s seat way back. Definitely would’ve gotten an easier training clause. ‘This wish comes with puppies!’ or whatever. Something easy. Quick. Doesn’t require thought!” Snagging the sequel book from the shelf, he settled in for the night against a cushy couch pillow. “Welp. Least I get to catch up on this century’s crappy romance novels.” 

He thumbed through the book and chuckled when he found an attempt at fanart folded between the pages. “Huh. Not bad.”

Author Ari
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