Name: Trolivoc’Scondelamca


Nicknames/Aliases: Core-name Scond, Darth Macar, The Cackling Storm.

Age: ??

Height: 5ft 7in

Weight: 130lbs



Notable marks or scars: Numerous scars across his body, when he is rarely without his mask, deep torture scars can be seen across his face and down his body. 

Jedi status:Dark lord of the Sith

Alliance: Loosely Imperial, Predominantly independent.


Criminal record: Murder, Genocidal attempts, Torture of untold numbers


Security risk: Exteremly High. This individual is a rare Chiss with force sensitivity, interigation skills, and little to no regard for life, not even his own. Studies have been unsuccessful so far but the subject seems to halve his mental awareness at times, at these times a second persona seems to come out, likely the manifestation of insanity and raw power. This second persona has reportedly appeared during a Psycological evaluation while the Prisoner was in a lower detention block of Belsavis, The Doctor performing the evaluation was found a day later having clawed off his own skin, and died from bloodloss, with what could only be described as a grizzly smile on his face. If you encounter this individual, Steel yourself, you will need it. 

Background: The chiss have been less than forth-comming regarding this individual, more than the normal..nothing they often provide they seem especially keen on telling no one about him. In this agents opinion……kill…kill…..kill…. their lack of information sharing can only be a detriment to the galaxy at large with a threat…..slaughter….drown in blood….. that we may have to force their hand. They know something, the sith wont talk either, its like they pretend he doses’nt exist, damn imps….kill them…i…ill kdklasndobnsj;b;k

Addendum- The agent previously assigned this documentation has been resigned to a position off Belsavis, it is believed his prolonged exposure to the subject let him, weak. We will monitor all interactions with the prisoner from here on out.

Mother: Unknown


Father: Unknown


Childhood:Due to the nature of the prisoner, no believable childhood has been decernd, as well as the interference from the Chiss  Ascendancy, with their involvement, it is clear that he at least was raised in the ascendancy for some time. 

Sociopolitical views: Death, it seems to be the only thing on his mind, death and Chaos, he stated something that stuck with me, i feel strange even now after only a few moments with him. He stated “What worth would the white knights and good souls in the galaxy be, if there were no devils for them to battle, Without me..and those like me, you would all be worthless.” His Insanity is undeniable at this point but the man is charismatic, the chiss have always had this quality, no matter how much i want to make him stop talking..i cannot stop listening….kill….save….save him…..fkna;sldjfndjkfasdfaj;badf


BLUF: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Notable developments:WARNING! Prisoner has escaped maximum security sector of Belsavis Prison, Previous agent attached to the recording of the dossier lead a bloody rampage through the containment area, releasing the prisoner and securing them a space ship. Promptly after the Sith was onboard the agent took their own life in a gruesome display. KOS is authorized, and advised, but direct orders are not to engage.


to Jackie: Xin- Ey Jackie, i knew this guy a time ago before he was sent to the prison planet, He is bad news, though id pass along what i could find, i will keep an ear out. – End transmission.

Author Scond
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