• Scond wrote a new journal: A glimpse into the Underworld 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    (reading guide: Ghosts are Italicized, living are “quoted”, “when both, singing together”, Caps is shouting) Candles are set in a large circle along the runes of the protected zone in the hideout, a task […]

  • Scond wrote a new journal: Prodigal Father 4 months, 1 week ago

    The smell of this island, the sweet fruit, the salt spray, the clear air…to outsiders it was intoxicating. To a sixteen year old boy who has never left it, it was a very pretty prison, only taking occasional […]

  • Scond wrote a new journal: Loyalty 4 months, 3 weeks ago

    Silverware, chopsticks, buttons, writing quills…still needs improving…but a gun… Argus fires at the target, hitting just left of dead center “Better…” He makes some adjustments, the floating, moving […]

  • Scond wrote a new journal: Sacrifice 6 months ago

    Mission successful Argus slumps against the wall, eventually dragged over to a bed in the infirmary, beads of sweat running down his face. While it was no longer bleeding, there was a indiscruabable pain where […]

  • Scond wrote a new journal: First Blood 7 months, 1 week ago

    Thunderous beats of hammer to steel, ring like church bells as the Wintersday season returns. Argus sits, leg cocked up on the chair, watching a smith work. He drew the designs himself, while the recipient […]

  • Scond wrote a new journal: Grave Rat 8 months, 2 weeks ago

    Argus sits in his little nook, a small room within the guild hall, tucked away along the water level. Maybe it was the calm waters, or the damp smell of the rocks, but he found this place most at home. He finishes […]

  • Scond wrote a new journal: Ground Work 9 months, 1 week ago

    The familiar smells and sounds of the Mad King’s festival was in the air, enough pumpkin scents to choke someone to death. The number of masked party goers made slipping into Divinity’s Reach all too simple, and […]

  • Scond wrote a new journal: Grim Recovery 1 year ago

      In the depths of the guild hall, tucked away in a small corner, the serene silence is broken with a fit of hoarse, gnarled coughing. A horrid relching follows as a figure turns over the side of his bed, […]

  • Scond wrote a new journal: Sunset 1 year, 9 months ago

    An aged figure steps into a postal office, a package and letter in hand. Leaning heavily on his staff, he sets the items on the counter, as well as some gold, with a soft smile. He sends off his packages, and […]

  • Scond wrote a new journal: (Gw2) Phantom 2 years, 3 months ago

    The wind carried the scent of the sea, mixing with the smell of the hot cup of tea before the pale haired man. He brings the piping hot brew to his lips, and takes a gentle sip, sighing contently as he relaxes. He […]

  • Scond's profile was updated 2 years, 3 months ago

  • Scond changed their profile picture 2 years, 3 months ago

  • Scond wrote a new journal: The Grey Knight (WoW) 6 years, 4 months ago

    In Gilneas, the land of rain, there are stories told to every child, even the street-rats and witches tell them. Stories to inspire, to warn, and to soothe, And among them, one stretches back before anyone can […]

  • Scond wrote a new post 6 years, 4 months ago

    In Gilneas, the land of rain, there are stories told to every child, even the street-rats and witches tell them. Stories to inspire, to warn, and to soothe, And among them, one stretches back before anyone can […]

  • Scond wrote a new journal: Old Dogs- Collin Shadowglenn(wow) 6 years, 9 months ago

    Sleep…. i almost forgot how terrifying it is.    Sleep does a mind good they say, does a body better, people who say thet have never woken up with a dagger in their chest, or against their neck. Still… the s […]

  • Scond wrote a new post 6 years, 9 months ago

    Sleep…. i almost forgot how terrifying it is.    Sleep does a mind good they say, does a body better, people who say thet have never woken up with a dagger in their chest, or against their neck. Still… the s […]

  • Scond wrote a new journal: The Devils Bastard. (wow) 6 years, 10 months ago

    Tears…it seems that Gilneas is always crying, the people outside the wall weep for their lives, as the undead and worgen tore them apart, the people inside the walls weep for their lost friends and the slow […]

  • Scond wrote a new post 6 years, 10 months ago

    Tears…it seems that Gilneas is always crying, the people outside the wall weep for their lives, as the undead and worgen tore them apart, the people inside the walls weep for their lost friends and the slow […]

  • Scond wrote a new journal: (wow- Kaldanos) Tea time 7 years, 4 months ago

    Darkness, all consuming darkness, a tomb that should be filled with the fallen, instead littered with relics and treasures, the bones that once resided there strewn about in tatters. The demon hunter leaps from […]

  • Scond wrote a new post 7 years, 4 months ago

    Darkness, all consuming darkness, a tomb that should be filled with the fallen, instead littered with relics and treasures, the bones that once resided there strewn about in tatters. The demon hunter leaps from […]

Recent Journals

[Rann] The Search for Mallory Everley

Rann held her breath, struggling to avoid considering how she would next try to find her quarry if this didn’t pan out. Mallory hadn’t been seen since she had opened a small cafe in Boralus. One day, she simply stopped showing up. The cafe had eventually closed, repossessed by Kul Tiras and reopened under a […]

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A glimpse into the Underworld

(reading guide: Ghosts are Italicized, living are “quoted”, “when both, singing together”, Caps is shouting) Candles are set in a large circle along the runes of the protected zone in the hideout, a task for the apprentice, as Argus sets a record on the player. A musical collection of one of his favorite stories, of […]

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Prodigal Father

The smell of this island, the sweet fruit, the salt spray, the clear air…to outsiders it was intoxicating. To a sixteen year old boy who has never left it, it was a very pretty prison, only taking occasional trips to the mainland of the Crystal desert once a year. But something was different today, he […]

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