[SWTOR] Samantha’s Story 2 – A Sort of Homecoming

Six years ago “Greetings, child. It took much time and expense to acquire you. Let us see if it was worth it.” A prick of a needle, and the pink-hued one-year-old girl howled. “Yes, feel the pain. It is yours. In time, you will learn to feed on it – it will give you power.” […]

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[SWTOR] Samantha’s Story 1 – The Other Twin

((A long time ago in an RP universe far far away, there were several long-lasting storylines. One of those included the birth of twins. The boy, Jack, survived. The daughter, Samantha, did not. Or so everyone thought…)) Seven galactic standard years ago It was a difficult birth, the hardest he had ever been a part […]

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[SWTOR] The Slave of Caur Le (I)

Dromond Kaas, Present day: Her hand ached. It always did, when it rained – it was something she had nearly forgotten over the last few years, living in the red dust of Korriban. It drove her to pace the room, up one side and back again, the ache feeding her irritability, the irritability feeding that […]

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{SWTOR} Slave Girl

Fealladh entered the Sith temple and stopped to get her bearings. She had come from that room, and they had said the dormitories were on the opposite… “Hey! Slave girl!” …side, so one of the hallways on her left should be… “I said, slave girl!” …the one she wanted, but which one? Perhaps… A rough […]

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