The rumors began soon after the Sith acolytes who had attacked Fealladh disappeared. No one could find a clue as to their whereabouts – one night they were in their cots, the next morning they were gone, their beds neatly made, looking as if no one had ever slept in them. And the Twi’lek they […]
“You asked for this, Slave Girl.” The words brought Fealladh out of a deep slumber, and her first thoughts were curses when she found herself bound and blindfolded. Stupid stupid stupid! Jackie would have been appalled at her lack of security preparation. Hands lifted her, despite her struggles, and then they were moving through hallways. […]
Fealladh entered the Sith temple and stopped to get her bearings. She had come from that room, and they had said the dormitories were on the opposite… “Hey! Slave girl!” …side, so one of the hallways on her left should be… “I said, slave girl!” …the one she wanted, but which one? Perhaps… A rough […]
I pace the confines of the cell. The whispering stopped when they took my lightsaber, but the echoes still ricochet around in my head. My path is set. I’ll not be deterred. It had been a rocky start. Turns out simply walking into the bastion of Sith knowledge and power on their own home world […]