• Aunne wrote a new campaign chapter: The Great War and the Curse:. 2 years ago

    It is difficult to explain the great war if you weren’t a veteran of it. By comparison to the other great conflicts that had ravaged the world, the Great War was orders of magnitude grander. A conflict that l […]

  • Aunne wrote a new campaign chapter: Chapter. 2 years ago

    There is rampant speculation about the Gods – the argument about whether they were born of the beliefs of the various peoples of the world or were drawn to them is chief among them.  Regardless, the Gods came to […]

  • Aunne wrote a new campaign chapter: A History of the First Times: Part 1 – The First Days. 2 years ago

    No one knows how the world was born.

    In the beginning, there were trees and mountains and rivers and storms, forests and animals and deserts, but it was chaos.  Primordial elementals vied for control of the […]

  • Aunne wrote a new journal: Maya's New Book – Day 1 2 years, 5 months ago

    *The first entry in a blank book left for Maya by the Commander …

    I have to admit,  in the grand scheme of things, boredom is a welcome problem to have.  By all rights, by every possible standard, I should be […]

    • Profile picture of Ari

      Poor Maya so easily thinks of herself as a burden. I think being a Hand left its own version of a mark on her: If she cannot be useful, she doesn’t have worth.

  • Aunne wrote a new journal: Three Wintersday Eves 2 years, 7 months ago

    A story of three Wintersday eves:



    Maritalis Flamewalker:

    He’d never been much for Wintersday; it all seemed a bit frivolous.  So he’d always taken the extra duty, always stood watch and let the re […]

  • Aunne wrote a new journal: Journal 2 years, 8 months ago

    (from an exteded arpee with K&K -)


    A few weeks after Klarrp and Co had their meeting with Klounni, the Asuran rep of the Vanguard made a return to her lab.

    Ah, the lab.

    Klounni’s lab is Lab 17, an […]

    • Profile picture of Roderik

      This is the quality Asura Content I come here for. It’s also harrowing to see Klounni’s perspective to see that she was part of something that could have been catastrophic, and would have been none the wiser until it happened. That’s some guilt to wrangle with.

  • Aunne wrote a new journal: Waging War 2 years, 10 months ago

    “I tried, Dasha – but he’s just… it’s not him anymore.”

    “Of course it is.  He has forgotten.  You heard the King.”

    “I did.  And.. I do not mean to question, but.. The enchantment, whatever it is?  It has him […]

  • Aunne wrote a new journal: Journal 3 years, 3 months ago

    The fields of Bastion were impossible in the best kind of way. The impossibly blue sky, with the impossible streams of anima flowing through it, the impossibly soft heather, the impossibly gentle chimes that […]

  • Aunne wrote a new journal: Journal 3 years, 3 months ago

    Left with Cael, as she recouperates among the Ascended:

    Xinai –

    I had to leave before you woke up today – and you were finally sleeping so well I didn’t have the heart to disturb you. I left your shirts in […]

  • Aunne published a new article: Tips and Tricks for Settling In: 3 years, 4 months ago

    Over the years I’ve written articles in various places about roleplay – and online roleplay – and the idea of community and getting started in what can be a very daunting space.  I admit, they’ve gotten their shar […]

  • Aunne joined the campaign Campaign logo of EdgewarEdgewar 3 years, 8 months ago

  • Aunne wrote a new campaign chapter: Sample Light In the Darkness Chapter. 3 years, 8 months ago

    This is a test.

  • Aunne changed their profile picture 3 years, 8 months ago

  • Aunne published a new article: Aunne's Addons and the UI Project 3 years, 8 months ago




    In response to a particular Bellular video and in an ongoing effort to really improve my WoW experience and get things a bit more fun, I decided to document my setup and the […]

  • Aunne wrote a new journal: [Eshai] Letters 4 years, 1 month ago

    Malien and L’ya –

    I’m settling in pretty well – Kyrin wants me to run the infirmary and healing services on the Jackal Ascendant.  He says he wouldn’t trust anyone else with it, which is a pretty scary […]

  • Aunne wrote a new journal: Letters from Eshai 4 years, 2 months ago

    Luci, Lila –

    You won’t believe it.  You really won’t.

    So – I get picked up by the Jackals – Bel got really hurt during the attack.  I’ve been taking care of her, and she’s going to be alright.  I figured you sh […]

  • Aunne wrote a new journal: Family Meeting 4 years, 2 months ago

    Kyrin was surprisingly nervous.  He wasn’t given to introspection most of the time – his native tendency was to let things come, react, then go on, and he’d found, over the years, that his reactions tended to be […]

  • Aunne wrote a new journal: [Eshai] Something for Something 4 years, 4 months ago

    The war in Uldum was like nothing she had ever seen before. Eshai had known, because the Templars had said, that the war was significant, that the battle was terrifying, that everything going on was like nothing […]

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[Rann] The Search for Mallory Everley

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A glimpse into the Underworld

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Prodigal Father

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