A glimpse into the Underworld

(reading guide: Ghosts are Italicized, living are “quoted”, “when both, singing together”, Caps is shouting) Candles are set in a large circle along the runes of the protected zone in the hideout, a task for the apprentice, as Argus sets a record on the player. A musical collection of one of his favorite stories, of […]

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First Blood

Thunderous beats of hammer to steel, ring like church bells as the Wintersday season returns. Argus sits, leg cocked up on the chair, watching a smith work. He drew the designs himself, while the recipient wouldn’t be ready for them by Wintersday, it would be good to make them now… The steady beat of the […]

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Grave Rat

Argus sits in his little nook, a small room within the guild hall, tucked away along the water level. Maybe it was the calm waters, or the damp smell of the rocks, but he found this place most at home. He finishes cleaning his pistol, beginning to reassemble it, A trickling memory of a much […]

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(Gw2) Phantom

The wind carried the scent of the sea, mixing with the smell of the hot cup of tea before the pale haired man. He brings the piping hot brew to his lips, and takes a gentle sip, sighing contently as he relaxes. He glances to the side, watching a group of kids, by the looks […]

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Red Flags (warning: abuse themed)

The last note faded away, drowned out in thunderous applause. Alfrond bowed and gestured to the rest of them. Shae couldn’t restrain her smile as she bowed with the other girls. Her first performance! The rush of it was overwhelming. She tucked her hand drum under her arm and followed the others off the stage, […]

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  “I must commend you, I have never seen anything quite like that before.” The investor nodded. “Most entertaining.” “Thank you.” Shae beamed as Dance squeezed her hand under the table. “We’ve worked hard to make something unique. We think it will do well.” “Perhaps.” Shae felt her blood run cold. “Perhaps? I’m sure we…” […]

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  Then the crash so loud ringing in her ears where were they where was he when did the world become so bright and loud and cluttered lights so bright they lit up the universe yet everything was so dark so dark so lost and alone where where they where was he why wouldn’t he […]

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Shae Lene

  She stumbled through the strange stone streets of the Outsider city. It seemed to be endless – no matter which direction she looked, all she could see was stone buildings, ludicrously large Outsider boats, and the ocean. It was as if all of nature had been eradicated from this land. She may have felt […]

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Second Chance

Music caught her ears. Not that there was anything unusual about music – every corner of Limsa Lominsa seemed to conceal a bard or minstrel or buckster. It would have been far more noteworthy not to hear music of some sort while walking through the city.   But this music…it struck a half-forgotten responsive chord […]

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  “You will be constantly moving through The Dance. There are a number of reasons for this, and the entertainment value is only the smallest of them. The main reason is that, when your rings return, they will be coming back in force. The Dance is timed in such a way that your body will […]

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Sweet Dreams Are Made of Rings

  The dance finished with a flourish as the musicians gave one last triumphant exclamation point to the masterful performance. The dancer posed, twin rings held up, one over her face, the other over her belly. Shae understood now how people might think a person was an avatar of some higher being – the woman […]

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  The Outsider city was dirty and squalid and disgusting, a stain on the otherwise pristine view of wide sandy shores and the heaving sea beyond. She had heard of the endless waters, of course, but she had not really believed the stories. Storytellers were wont to exaggerate, after all, and a tale of a […]

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The Scales of Commerce

“Well, that is a nice trinket, true ‘nuff.” The merchant, a sly-eyed human male (she thought – it was so hard to tell. She assumed breasts (or lack of such) created the defining difference based on the one time she had seen male Viera) held out a hand. “Let’s see it, then.”  She reached forward […]

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Out of the Wood

She left the Wood the day her mother died.   It wasn’t a decision, exactly. A “decision” infers other alternatives, a conscious choice between options. But she had no choice – her mother’s passing meant passage of the fluffle to her aunt. As foster parents went, there was no one she could think of less […]

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FF14 Writing Challenge Prompt 1: Foster

Raz’as blinked away light from his eyes as he rolled over, trying to get away from the sun.   “Rise and shine!” said the far too cheerful voice.    “Nooooo…” muttered the Miqo’te child, pulling his covers over his head, tail twitching in annoyance.    The covers were gone suddenly, ripped from his hands, and […]

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[WoW] Prelude to Exile

 Velaenna blinked, consciousness slowly returning as her eyes adjusted to the dim light of the room. Her eyes darted around, trying to identify her surroundings. Her mind still felt groggy from sleep that she didn’t recall willingly choosing, but her trained senses were already ahead of the rest of her, taking in the sights, smells, […]

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