• Rann wrote a new journal: [Rann] The Search for Mallory Everley 1 month, 4 weeks ago

    Rann held her breath, struggling to avoid considering how she would next try to find her quarry if this didn’t pan out. Mallory hadn’t been seen since she had opened a small cafe in Boralus. One day, she simply […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: [Pathfinder] Facing Destiny 6 months, 1 week ago

    Her rapier was drawn, and her eyes barely left Urvine as he stood casually in the hallway, as if he was talking about the weather. She took a few moments glance about the room. This hardly seemed enough space to […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: [Pathfinder] Petrified with Fear 12 months ago

    Mallory stood completely still, staring blankly down the hallway, her mind swimming with thoughts. A loud rattling at her side jolted her to awareness, and she looked down, realizing the sound was her gloved hand […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: [Pathfinder] Girl Talk 1 year, 2 months ago

    “The Doctor… implied that he and I are… friends.” Larch looked down, not looking at Mallory. In fact, she seemed to not know where to look. “Eh, you two have been friends for a while, you’re just now realizi […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: [Pathfinder] Fear, and Calm 1 year, 3 months ago

    That thing should not exist. As much as Mallory wanted to forget, she couldn’t shake the sight of the aboleth from her mind. As she lay on the floor in the interior of Miri’s boat during the journey back to Hei […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: [Pathfinder] Revenge And Justice 1 year, 5 months ago

    Mallory Jane Everley stood over her parents’ grave—and her own—once more. Morning dew glistened on the headstones in the dim pre-dawn.  The twitching remains of a ghoul lay not twenty feet away.   It was fin […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: [Pathfinder] Mind Vs Spirit 1 year, 6 months ago

    Smash his face with a wine bottle. No… smash his face into a door until his head is stuck partway through it, then watch as his pants turn brown before Bolke obliterates the door, and him along with […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: Journal 1 year, 7 months ago

    Dear Mom and Dad,

    It feels weird to be writing to you like this. I’ve thought of writing to you before as a form of coping with grief, but in this case, I know this paper will actually find its way into your […]

  • Rann commented on the item 1 year, 9 months ago

    Ooh chilling. Wonder how this’ll go when it comes out :3

  • Rann commented on the item 1 year, 9 months ago

    Glad you liked it! Hope you can imagine the kind of rhythm and feel I imagined for it. Second verse is more shouted, first and third are sang.

  • Rann wrote a new journal: [Pathfinder] When the Meat Grinder was the Right Place 1 year, 9 months ago

    Lenard gave Mallory a half-smile, which she felt was already the highlight of her day.


    “I appreciate you bringing these papers in. I just… needed to know,” he said with a deep exhale. He looked like an […]

  • Rann commented on the item 1 year, 10 months ago

    Phew — Doc can be SCARY! xD

  • Rann wrote a new journal: Journal 1 year, 10 months ago

    “I don’t know what in the hells happened out there, but you look like you need somethin’ strong,” Jim said with a worried look.


    Mallory was sure she looked like the most mopey girl in the Inner Sea right n […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: [Pathfinder] The Kind of Person She Was 1 year, 10 months ago

    A million things whirled through Mallory’s mind in milliseconds.


    Is this a dream? Nightmare?


    No, it’s real. THAT THING is real. Heavens help me, it’s real!


    As the battle spun into full fr […]

  • Rann commented on the item 1 year, 10 months ago

    Love it! 😀

  • Rann wrote a new journal: Journal 1 year, 10 months ago

    Mallory slipped into the kitchen and peered around for whatever side room would give her the privacy to change. She spied a storeroom and headed for a corner of it, pulling a large crate of produce against the […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: Journal 4 years, 12 months ago

    She missed them already.This was the realization Charity had as she walked up the path to the Torrington estate, already wondering what antics the others would get up to today.She had shown courage, she knew. In […]

  • Rann wrote a new post 4 years, 12 months ago

    She missed them already.This was the realization Charity had as she walked up the path to the Torrington estate, already wondering what antics the others would get up to today.She had shown courage, she knew. In […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: Journal 5 years ago

    The ground and building shook with the rumbling and crashing of the two massive dragons clashing outside. As everyone stilled their movements and held their breaths in the tense moments in the entry of the […]

  • Rann wrote a new post 5 years ago

    The ground and building shook with the rumbling and crashing of the two massive dragons clashing outside. As everyone stilled their movements and held their breaths in the tense moments in the entry of the […]

Recent Journals

[Rann] The Search for Mallory Everley

Rann held her breath, struggling to avoid considering how she would next try to find her quarry if this didn’t pan out. Mallory hadn’t been seen since she had opened a small cafe in Boralus. One day, she simply stopped showing up. The cafe had eventually closed, repossessed by Kul Tiras and reopened under a […]

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A glimpse into the Underworld

(reading guide: Ghosts are Italicized, living are “quoted”, “when both, singing together”, Caps is shouting) Candles are set in a large circle along the runes of the protected zone in the hideout, a task for the apprentice, as Argus sets a record on the player. A musical collection of one of his favorite stories, of […]

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Prodigal Father

The smell of this island, the sweet fruit, the salt spray, the clear air…to outsiders it was intoxicating. To a sixteen year old boy who has never left it, it was a very pretty prison, only taking occasional trips to the mainland of the Crystal desert once a year. But something was different today, he […]

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