Master alpha/beta tester extraordinaire.

"What is born of the light of knowledge I release by the light of knowledge." Once. "What is born of the light of knowledge I release by the light of knowledge." Twice. "What is born of the light of knowledge I release by the light of knowledge." Three times.

A book, the book, materialized on the stonework podium before the draenei. Mosur gasped in awe, he couldn't believe it worked. The time, the preparation, the effort had all paid off in the end. Mosur reached out, not without caution and flipped the book open to one of the pages near the front, the warning of caution from Zaanthe, though cruel in its delivery, had not gone unheeded.

He raised his hand to his mouth at a loss for words as he scanned the books pages. The book, the words…it was written in draenei. "A tome of the Light," he barely gasped excitement rising inside of him and any concern or caution now thrown to the wind. He grabbed the book and stuffed it away hurrying back to the house excited to share his find with his companion and rub it in Zaanthe's face.

"Saashenka!" he cried as he burst in the house. He radiated excitement as he searched through the house for her finding her in the kitchen mulling over something. "Saashenka!" He cried once more. He hurried over and lifted her spinning her around, "I found it," he laughed again and pressed a long kiss to her before continuing his excitement. "I found it, finally, It's real, and it's in Draenei! It's a tome of old!" He hugged her tight to him and then set her down hurrying upstairs to change. "Put on something nice, you're not cooking tonight!" He called from the second floor. His excitement was worth celebrating, soon enough he would have the morrow to pour over the book, but tonight he was going to celebrate, both finding the book and proving Zaanthe wrong.

Author Mosur
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