• Mosur wrote a new campaign chapter: Tracking a Traitor [Mythalen]. 3 years, 1 month ago

    The eredar attacker made his way across the bridge below Dawnkeep and slowed to a confident walk. The sounds of battle in the courtyard behind him heralded the anarchy of the Repentant’s breaking. Glancing b […]

  • Mosur wrote a new campaign chapter: Theodora's Sinstone [Nadana]. 3 years, 2 months ago

    After the return from Ardenweald, Nadana felt tired. It was not that the journey had been arduous, but that an inevitable decision had been reached. Though not exact it almost felt like having to choose one child […]

  • Mosur wrote a new campaign chapter: Into the Weald [Nadana]. 3 years, 3 months ago

    The forest was eerily quiet, which wasn’t something Nadana had expected in Ardenweald. She couldn’t help but wonder if it was related to Theo’s attack. Ahead of her was a large seedpod, which lit up the area in a […]

    • Profile picture of Jander

      This might be your finest work yet. I dunno, there’s just something about it that really speaks to me.

  • Mosur commented on the item 3 years, 3 months ago

    Reputation has been awarded. You also receive 1 Mark of the Four (MotF).

  • Mosur commented on the item 3 years, 4 months ago

    Reputation has been awarded. You also receive 1 Mark of the Four (MotF).

  • Mosur wrote a new campaign chapter: Nadana's Journal: Grove Rescue. 3 years, 4 months ago

    I don’t know whether it is fortuitous that we happened upon these allies, or if it is perhaps my assistance to these new allies that brought the Master’s attention to our group as Theo suggested. The last few day […]

  • Mosur wrote a new campaign chapter: Split Up: Extraction. 3 years, 5 months ago

    Nadana nodded at the draenei’s latest question. The castle would be a difficult place to enter, but not impossible. While she had taken the time to explain they were in the afterlife, debate with them whether they […]

  • Mosur's profile was updated 3 years, 6 months ago

  • Mosur wrote a new campaign chapter: Chapter. 3 years, 7 months ago

    Taking wing and flying back toward the center of the shattered Azerothian sky the val’kyr and her attendants passed from one realm to the next. With her, the pair of attendants each carried in hand one of the […]

  • Mosur changed their profile picture 3 years, 7 months ago

  • Mosur wrote a new campaign chapter: Chapter. 3 years, 7 months ago

    A rudely interrupted Boys’ Night Out

    Marshal Mason was the first of the group impaled. He had drawn the ire of both Mawsworne Attendants at once, their agility allowed one to knock his shield away and the other […]

  • Mosur and Profile picture of SielicSielic are now friends 3 years, 8 months ago

  • Mosur wrote a new journal: Journal 3 years, 9 months ago

    The metal wreckage ground to a halt. One back wheel spun, free of the ramshackle tank treads the machine used to tear across Arathi. Doom Howl. The large tank was reminiscent of the machines Garrosh had crafted to […]

  • Mosur wrote a new post 3 years, 9 months ago

    The metal wreckage ground to a halt. One back wheel spun, free of the ramshackle tank treads the machine used to tear across Arathi. Doom Howl. The large tank was reminiscent of the machines Garrosh had crafted to […]

  • Mosur wrote a new journal: Questions for the Past 3 years, 10 months ago

    The Lion’s Pride Inn was sparsely populated. It was early in the day and there were few individuals inside. A table of would-be adventurers sat discussing the kobolds to the south, they’d grown in number since the […]

  • Mosur wrote a new post 3 years, 10 months ago

    The Lion’s Pride Inn was sparsely populated. It was early in the day and there were few individuals inside. A table of would-be adventurers sat discussing the kobolds to the south, they’d grown in number since the […]

  • Mosur wrote a new journal: [WoW] Call to Action: Hillsbrad 4 years, 9 months ago

    Mosur exhaled again as they took off. He wasn’t sure how Sielic or either of the death knights had arrived. He and Zaanthe had rented a pair of griffons to make the trip in a timely manner and now he was glad f […]

  • Mosur wrote a new post 4 years, 9 months ago

    Mosur exhaled again as they took off. He wasn’t sure how Sielic or either of the death knights had arrived. He and Zaanthe had rented a pair of griffons to make the trip in a timely manner and now he was glad f […]

  • Mosur wrote a new journal: [WoW] Accepting Guardianship 5 years, 2 months ago

    Difficult to say whether he was tired or getting bored. The thick tome before him may have been a bad place to start on this subject, but he had thought he’d be able to find answers in one place like this. He […]

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A glimpse into the Underworld

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