[GW2]  Bedside Necromancy

Fiel woke up on the slightly-too-small seat near the bed in the infirmary, a baby griffon curled up over his lap. His neck was stiff, and so was his back, but he didn’t dare stir the sleeping bird. Nor did he dare risking the chance of waking the recovering norn. For days, had he been […]

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[GW2]   Iron Hand  –  [co-written with @quorgi]

“You look like you could use a hand.” He’s not trying to be mean, or making a snarky joke –for once. For once there is genuine concern in his voice. He spotted it while walking along the broken shoreline not too far from the city-state of Lion’s Arch. He thought it to be another stray […]

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Old Wounds (GW2)

Divinity’s Reach. 1328 AE. “We can cut you a deal, Ironwood” An uncomfortable silence follows. Captain Montre looks at him expectantly. “What kind of deal” He watches him shuffle his papers around, like the officer has somewhere to be and would love nothing more than to be rid of the Norn, but that’s not likely. […]

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He Went At Dawn (GW2)

The morning was crisp and cool as it broke over the still quiet of Divinity’s Reach. The city had yet to be warmed by the sun just now pulling its fiery head over the horizon. Gold of morning and silver of night mingle over the mist as it steadily sought it’s way to the villages […]

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