The sisters returned, one in the arms of the other. Kolfinna may have been taller than Pyri but she had nothing resembling the warrior’s bulk, and the last few steps were stumbles. The two skyscales trailed behind them, too weary and cold and injured themselves to be of any help. Sentries from Jora’s keep shouted […]
Tove actually spends the night sensibly. She finds friends among the other Vigil, and retires to her tent with company. It is, at least, possible to get some rest. It’s the first real sleep she’s had in days. — Brigid has come up with the relief crew. She is happy with this assignment because it […]
He stood there. He dared to stand there and proudly proclaim his words for all passers by to hear. “You continue to live in fear. In open defiance of a greater being. But I ask you this: why fear that which can make you stronger? Why not embrace the ultimate spirit? Transcend your existence and forge your […]