(WoW) Challenged

Robin walked into her sister’s house and her eyes fell on the demon hunter sleeping on the bear rug, the night elf smelled of smoke and ash and there was a mess of plates in the sink and a pile of laundry spilling almost onto the floor. She barely noticed the elf sitting at the […]

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(WOW) Peace?

Robin never made it all the way to Silithus. Her group had received a missive partway on the journey, the leader of the party had walked to the night elf in the group and pulled them aside. Robin had endured shouts of anguish for a long while without knowing the reason. At first, she didn’t […]

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(WoW) Darkshore

Auris  stared down at the corpse of an orc warrior, his throat was purple from where the roots had strangled him. Her daughter, Ayelinn, was limping over from her encounter with a goblin, which lay whimpering on the grass, a throwing dagger landed in his chest to silence him, Star appeared by Auris a moment […]

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