Split Up: Pride Goeth

There was no way he was one of the Fearstalkers. She’d never a soul like that before. The darkhound broke free of the ice and growled agian. She removed the bat from where it sat on her shoulder. The little creature squeaked inquisitively. “Seek,” she said, soft and dangerous, to it and her hound. She […]

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[WoW] And Out of the Ashes…

Aedeminar Silvertree Reed stood on the porch of her borrowed cottage, gripping the handrail and staring off across the fields. She knew with the certainty of both a healer and a creature half-wild that labor was upon her, but she hadn’t seen fit to tell anyone about it yet. Mostly because she was allowing herself […]

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[WoW] Strategic Retreat

The treehouse swayed as someone came in hot, slamming into the branch hard enough to make the wood creak. Mina’s head snapped up, especially once she caught a flash of translucent purple outside the window–netherdrake wing. ​Jezrynaku. Mina heaved herself off the couch, letting the caving she’d been working on fall from her fingers. The […]

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