[WoW] Strategic Retreat

The treehouse swayed as someone came in hot, slamming into the branch hard enough to make the wood creak. Mina’s head snapped up, especially once she caught a flash of translucent purple outside the window–netherdrake wing. ​Jezrynaku. Mina heaved herself off the couch, letting the caving she’d been working on fall from her fingers. The […]

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[WoW] Suddenly, Cookies

…so you see, Mina has a girlfriend. …no, the other girlfriend. Unaara. She is a lovely draenei shaman, very sweet, very regal. She is also prone to…stress baking. And needless to say, the whole DEMONS on ARGUS thing is very stressful to her and she baked many, many cookies. So many. Mina tried to eat […]

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[WoW] Equal Opportunity Shanking

Lyestra took the bundles of herbs with a grunt. After setting them on her work table she started sorting them into piles by type. “You’re welcome,” Mina said, not without a trace of amusement. “I pay you for these, do I have to be fucking nice too?” “I’m best friends with your sister.” “You think […]

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