[WoW] Smoke

She was the fourth one through the portal, after Shaw gave the order – “Reports are in that the Horde is moving on Silithicus -they’re taking the sword.  I need to know where they are, and how long we have.”   The Alliance mages may not have had the raw might of the Kirin Tor?  But […]

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[WoW] Joilinn – A Thousand Cuts

“Lieutenant – what is this garbage?”  I couldn’t keep my eyes off of the field Colonel’s mouth.  There was this little hanging bit of froth that had been there for the past twenty minutes.  Wobbling.  Absolutely refusing to go anywhere.  It was utterly fascinating – I kept wondering how it was hanging on, whether he’d […]

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Nightpetal – Cael snored. It wasn’t the cute kind of snoring, either – it was the mouth open, tongue-lolling, drooly kind of snoring that only a worgen of Cael’s size could actually do; not loud, but insistent, not overbearing, but definitely… er… wet. All the same, it was a comfort. In the days after Cael […]

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