I should be home right now. It wasn’t the first time Keleosha had thought that today, but as newly risen corpses shambled out of the green mist on the battlefield in front of her it came to her again. Moments ago, Sylvanas Windrunner, Warchief of the Horde had released the blight outside of Undercity, killing […]
Keleoshaa felt like she was falling, and then floating. She no longer felt the grip of Khafras’ hand around her throat or the pain from her wounds. What she did feel was an all-encompassing warmth and peace. She couldn’t see anything but she could feel the familiar presence – the Light. It was all around […]
Note: To make the Keleosha journals a tiny bit less confusing, I’m referring to the two characters by their in game names: “Keleosha” for the paladin from alternate Draenor, and “Keleoshaa” for the priest from the main timeline Outland. ======== Keleoshaa was out of breath and her muscles ached. She often walked between her home […]