The Sin of Pride

((Writing collab done some by me, and also with volunteers Aunne, Jander, November/Robin, Sielic, Vendon, Roo, Elli, and Zaanthe. Im not sure I like the ending, but it will do for now. Enjoy.)) “I know, I know,” Theo soothed. Fang whined, unhappy, as she checked the buckles on the huge bat. It was a gift, […]

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CYOA Week 1 – Vigilant

It wasn’t often that Zaanthe found himself walking through the streets of Stormwind. He wasn’t a great fan of the city, in truth; he thought it dull and unremarkable. A color-washed grey that did little to inspire any emotion in the draenei, but the city did have its uses. Work was easy to find where […]

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An Ancient Ritual 

“FENIX!” That word alone, the name he gives to summon him, caught the elemental’s attention. “I SUMMON YOU! COME NOW!” A sign, an offering, a conduit… Nothing. A scribed circle, carved runes, sharp copper offered freely. Old magic. A sacrifice of blood and an open gateway. He answered the call, erupting from the center of […]

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