Everything Is Fine (Idella)

The following is the in-character journal writings of Idella. This was written in the upstairs apartments of her new shop in Boralus’ Uptown Borough.  He said he’d rather not know than get either of us hurt. Does that mean I can ask the other question of the creature instead of ask about Daisy? No, that’s […]

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What Was I Thinking? [Idella]

The following is the in-character journal of Idella in WoW Retail. She writes often and can be found doing so, but she’s been very good at keeping the journal to herself. If interrupted during writing sessions, she hastily shoves the journal into the side satchel she keeps on her person at all times. I include […]

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WoW – Twilight (Idella)

 Related: [WoW] Letters (Idella)   —-   Months ago, location unknown…   “You knew how this would end, dear.”   At Claret’s words, the welling tears in Idella’s eyes finally broke and fell.    “Yes, I know,” Idella breathed. Her body somehow felt weak yet paralyzed at the same time. Too frightened to move, and […]

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[WoW] Letters (Idella)

Her eyes dry and cheeks pinched from a night of tears, Idella gathered the last reagents in her bag, stood in the doorway, and swept her eyes across her shop for the last time. Every bottle, scroll, and book was perfectly set in its place. A note for the landlord and a bag of gold […]

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[WoW] From Jaws To Flame (Idella)

Latching the door shut, Idella braced against the back of the door and slid to the floor. Days of turmoil boiled within her, finally spilling tears. She wept, face buried in her knees, sobbing till her breath was too thin to manage anything more than gasps. Her tears faded and lifting her gaze, she spied […]

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[WoW] Taming The Beast (Idella)

Stormwind kept its namesake overnight with a vicious downpour. The building groaned with every gust of wind and a slow drip drip from the ceiling served as Idella’s reminder that she again neglected to summon a thatcher to fix her roof, for the fourth stormy night in a row. It dripped like an impatient clock, […]

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