Lone Wolf

Tove walked slowly through the snow. Her strides were short and methodical, shoving through snow and tamping it down, making space for the steps of the wolf behind her. Once, it had been the other way around, Randulfr leaping ahead and plunging through snow drifts, waiting for Tove to catch up. Now– Tove could heal […]

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Maya’s New Book – Day 1

*The first entry in a blank book left for Maya by the Commander … I have to admit,  in the grand scheme of things, boredom is a welcome problem to have.  By all rights, by every possible standard, I should be among the deceased, but given that I am reasonably certain I’m not, I retain […]

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Season of Scars

Rikvi Farseer made her way to the infirmary. Every so often she had to stop and wait for the visions to stop crowding so close, or for Raven’s wings to part enough that she knew where she was putting one foot in front of the other. It was mostly okay, as long as she kept […]

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Shadow’s Fall: Mary Meeting Macklins

The Vanguard infirmary, massively grown to handle the influx of hundreds of casualties, bustled with purpose.  Healers circulated constantly.  Supplies were hauled in by volunteers, distributed, used up almost immediately.  Organizers had set up shifts, inventories, everything needed, but still the efficiency ebbed and flowed as staff that hadn’t been working together for long had […]

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sunset ;

The world has shifted, and yet again he feels himself being left quiet and behind. How many more lives must he lead? How many more can he mold? What of worth could he leave behind in the wake of this pain, and suffering?   High in the hollow, where the air grows thinner than the […]

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Warning: this story takes place during the Icebrood Saga episode “Champions”. It contains spoilers for the attack on Lake Doric.   The visual static breaks after a few seconds, allowing you to see, on the screen, a professional-looking Asura: she’s tall, has big bright green eyes, and she’s standing at attention for the camera. She’s […]

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The Veteran and the Gravedigger

Warning: this story takes place during the Icebrood Saga episode “No Quarters”. It is also somewhat linked to another journal story: “Clearing Bones from Heaven.”   The plan was simple: there’s a lot of dead charr, they’re good folks that deserve a proper burial. The two of them were going to find a neat place […]

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The Longest Night

Wintersday Eve: Tove The ranger flitted about in the early evening, wolf at her heels, dropping presents on doorsteps. The gifts were as varied as their recipients–meat, hides, obscure recipes, carved noisy toys for other people’s children. Books, bowstrings, a tool someone mentioned would be nice three months ago that they promptly forgot about. For […]

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Three Wintersday Eves

A story of three Wintersday eves:     Maritalis Flamewalker: He’d never been much for Wintersday; it all seemed a bit frivolous.  So he’d always taken the extra duty, always stood watch and let the rest of the Warband have their parties and drinking and laughter, always stood watch and made sure.  If you’d asked […]

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[Dasha] King, Kind, and Kindling

[[Dasha meets the other scion of House Bordren. Minor edits for flow, and additional writing at the end.]]   xxxxxxxxxx “…Goodbye. Good luck with your… cabinet or whatever.”   Relieved, Dasha watches Sarabdal go- and only lets her shoulders sag when he is well out of sight, guard guttering a moment like a candle in […]

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[Dasha] Two Truths and a Lie

It can’t be. It cannot be.   Dasha paces, agitated, a caged animal. It makes the guards nervous. She ignores them the same way a lion ignores tomcats. There were bigger concerns, right now, than their feeble attempts to keep watch. If she wanted out, made an effort to get out, they would know it. […]

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Meanwhile, back at the ranch– Er, Divinity’s Reach. Which honestly, was more like a circus than a ranch. At least a ranch has some sort of order and structure, and nothing lost in the disorienting display of politics masquerading as order and structure. Roderik Prendergast had been sent on order, along with an entourage of […]

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Locked in a Lie

Alternative Title: Tadhgn Steals the Declaration of Independence. Transcript of an RP ft @aunne of a trek through the Shadow Realm. banner borrowed from Emkun —————————————————————————— The step through the portal is cold – it pulls at the mind and the body in equal measure, a darkness that touches thought and being. Of course, it’s […]

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(from an exteded arpee with K&K -)   A few weeks after Klarrp and Co had their meeting with Klounni, the Asuran rep of the Vanguard made a return to her lab. Ah, the lab. Klounni’s lab is Lab 17, an abandoned complex at the edge of Metrica Province, left fallow since the early days […]

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Easy lies, hard truths.

(Co-written with Cael!)   Dasha had changed clothes, by the time he came back, though she refused to initially without seeing her old things burned in person. “You have a blood mage,” she said, matter of fact, when they asked. “I’m not interested in giving her any more leverage.” So now she begrudgingly wore a […]

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[Dasha] Ashes of the Past

Dasha staggered just a little as she sat heavily by the small fire. Exhaustion dragged at her in more ways than one, from the fight and the revelation before, and combined with the blood it made her fingers slip on the clasp of her now-ruined cloak.   I overdid it. Damn, she thought, distantly, as […]

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Rikvi’s Report

Rikvi’s report is done in her own, crisp hand–but thoroughly notated by her assistant Ceridwen. My apologies for the lateness of this report, Commander. I won’t make excuses–we know how I am by now. I had the….pleasure? Of meeting with Maya in the Reach. It wasn’t entirely a random encounter; Raven tugged at my feet […]

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Waging War

“I tried, Dasha – but he’s just… it’s not him anymore.” “Of course it is.  He has forgotten.  You heard the King.” “I did.  And.. I do not mean to question, but.. The enchantment, whatever it is?  It has him.  Wholly.  We don’t even know where to begin to look to break it – Klounni […]

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Riathan sat at his desk with a report in front of him. Normally the usual state for him but the content of this report bothered him greatly. His sister sat lounging in a chair across from him, arm slung over the back and her foot kicked up onto the chair next to it. Idly turning […]

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A Study In Feelings

Tove drifted through the guild hall, and with no real goal in mind, blinked when she found herself on Fiel’s doorstep. Well, not that any of them really had doors, but figuratively, that’s where she was. (And she went no further because she was genuinely afraid of breaching the necromancer’s private space uninvited.) Well, this […]

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This Is Friendship

“Ambro, I don’t know what to wear.” Niklas said breathlessly from the entryway to the infirmary. Which was a better entrance than the last one she’d gotten, she had to admit. “To what?”  Niklas eyed the one occupied bed and rushed to Ambrosine’s side, dropping his voice to a whisper. “On a date.” “Well, I’d […]

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A Study in Folly

  Tove showed up in the doorway of the infirmary, a wan and hungry wraith. “Don’t tell Cap I’m back yet,” she said, and promptly fell over. Ambrosine was able to keep Tove’s head from hitting the floor and only knocked her chair over in the process, which all in all the guardian considered a […]

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A Study in Hunger

Rikvi’s desk is arranged with rigid precision, yet for all of that, it feels chaotic. There isn’t an uncovered inch, and in fact, the books and notes have spread onto half of her student’s desk as well. But the necromancer herself is absent. The magic ripples before slowly settling in the wake of a portal […]

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A Study of Bone(skinners)

Tove glanced out across the wind-sculpted snow and frowned. Everything about the Bjora Marches set her on edge, akin to catching a whiff of rot at random intervals. Or perhaps that was exactly what was happening. It was hard to tell, sometimes. “How do you intend to study the Boneskinners?” Rikvi shifted restlessly from one […]

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[GW2] — Whiteout

[cw: lil bit o’ gore] . . . Well. He’s done it now. Fiel was panting heavily, his ass in the dirt, the steam from the cooling bodies around him slowly rolling in the gelid breeze.   He had thought that the two armed soldiers flanking the supply runner had been the reinforcement. Logical: after […]

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