[GW2] Catching Up The Masses

Imke gathered them in the guild hall–as many as she knew ran with the Vanguard, and those she thought might be useful. Ambrosine, haggard after a lengthy Priory mission and no sleep upon her return. Her wife Jess, standing beside her with a mug of coffee. Rikvi, who was staring off into space…only actually she […]

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Gloved hands tap her jawline as Gallant walked about the walkways of the Ministry, whispering thoughts and schemes to no one with no real solutions and success. She was called in for another look over of her notes from the deeper desert, about Joko and his troops, but she could care less. During her travel […]

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[GW2] Further Training

“I don’t think I can train you, Tove.” Tove flashed Ambrosine an over-dramatic pouty  face. “Why not? I know Mina is a student of yours.” “After a fashion. But there’s still key differences between my magic and hers. Most of what I teach her is healing of the more mundane sort, so that we don’t […]

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[GW2] Vanguard Debrief Target: Forgemantle

   Attention all members of the Vanguard, Rank Shieldbearer and Above. Below is the current debrief of our interactions with our current target, Forgemantle.     We’ve already had several run-ins with this Awakened General. First introducing himself as Lord Galleyfrax the Magnificent, Render of Souls and Scourge of the Living, second only to Lord Joko. […]

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Jin Joins the Dawn

There’s something different this time.  Mister’s tasks are usually one-offs.  Go do a silly thing that turns out  to hold something important, think about it, get better at the Grenth stuff thanks to it, go home and tend  shop. Sometimes I wonder if he’s just making it up as he goes along, and what the […]

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[GW2]  Bedside Necromancy

Fiel woke up on the slightly-too-small seat near the bed in the infirmary, a baby griffon curled up over his lap. His neck was stiff, and so was his back, but he didn’t dare stir the sleeping bird. Nor did he dare risking the chance of waking the recovering norn. For days, had he been […]

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[GW2] What Friends Are For

Ambrosine made the climb/hike to Tove’s little corner of the guild hall and…stopped. Until now, it had been just that: a corner. A bookshelf, a fire, a pillow, a desk. A place to be comfortable away from home and nothing more. Now she pursed her lips and had a troubling thought: Tove had moved in. […]

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[GW2] He’s Not Lost

He’s Not Lost We Just Don’t Know That One Of Us Knows Where He IsAnd Then When We Do Know That, We Don’t Know Where She IsSo Basically Everything Tove Learns is UselessBut He’s Probably Not Dead!Maybe. Tove meant to peek into Rikvi’s office with care. It wouldn’t do to interrupt a necromantic ritual or Wolf […]

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[GW2] Costs

She slept. This was always how it went after any sort of major healing–but especially so, this time. It’s one thing to heal a traumatic injury soon after it happens. Most of those she heals are in good shape (otherwise), and she’s simply accelerating the bodies own work. But Jesse had literally dragged himself home […]

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[GW2] A Strongly Worded Letter

Dear Pikko, I want you to understand something. Your rage is not more important than someone else’s life. You may not know this as a fighter, but healing is work–it takes effort, especially the act of healing someone whose condition was as dire as Ironwood’s. Assessments must be made swiftly and surely, and difficult decisions […]

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[GW2] No Dying Allowed

Ambrosine returned to Cap’s side, glad that her audience had, at last, evaporated. She was actually quite irritated at the people who had decided yelling was the proper course of action–for one thing, healing was delicate mental work on her end, and who operated well when there was yelling? No one, that’s who. It may […]

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[GW2] Trouble (pt 1.5)

(Note: The course of events through this set of journals happens in the days prior to, through the events of, and ends the day after the events that took place IC on the night of Monday, 05/14/18)  If there was anything Roderik had learned about Genjl, it was the Sylvari’s uncanny ability to talk his […]

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It’s hot. That’s what is running through her head as she lays on top of the statue with arms extended out beside her and her head resting on rough rock. Her armor cooked, her skin burned, there are circles around her eyes from the sunglasses, and the sand eels hissed while they struggled to climb […]

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[Gw2]  Ritual

 [ NOTE:  this is a direct continuation of my previous journal, Search. ]   It took Fiel most of that day and the previous night to come back to the Gilded Hollow. He carried Samantha on his back at first, healing her periodically when his strength permitted. Then she was able to walk alongside him, […]

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[GW2] Results

[this journal takes place after an IC event in GW2 on 5/14/2018. This has no effect on the remaining story, only a result of a choice. This meeting happens before Season 3 of the personal story]                                       […]

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[GW2] Search

[NOTE: this is a direct follow up to @quorgi ‘s Praxis journals. Oh and @ambrosine ‘s Wolf and Raven journal, considering.] No. Just one word. “No” No, you didn’t search hard enough. No, you didn’t do all that you could. No, he is not dead. Fiel was standing squarely over the golden metallic floor, yet […]

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[GW2] Trouble (pt. 1)

(Note: The course of events through this set of journals happens in the days prior to, through the events of, and ends the day after the events that took place IC on the night of Monday, 05/14/18) It was an offer too good to be true. He knew it when he stared into Commander Bordren’s […]

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[GW2] Wolf and Raven

((Note: This journal is intended to alter what actually happened last night–please assume THIS is what was actually revealed. Thanks! :D)) Rikvi Farseer–Priory Scholar, Necromancer, Child of Raven, Herald of Death, Seer Of Many Roads–was neck deep in edits for her latest paper. (Which was to say that her apprentice, Ceridwen, was wielding a red […]

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[GW2] That Which Haunts Us

Ambrosine was furious when she realized Cap’s raptor was injured–a fury that, in all likelihood, completely outshone the situation. Or maybe not. The situation was kind of shit, anyway. She tended Cirice at the infirmary to begin with, stuffing all of her feelings into a box so that she could project calm. “Okay, girl. Let’s […]

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The silence feels cold. What a strange phrase, as if sound holds heat in any way. Yet, to her, its true. The air is still and cold here, barely stirred from the rays of light from the windows. There is no one else inside this room to help the sun with its mission of warmth […]

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[GW2] What Just Happened

Iskander Dukas was the second son of a disgraced noble house–disgraced, because his parents had been part and parcel of the White Mantle. Although he and his brother had been investigated and declared innocent, the stain on the family name wasn’t so easy to shake. How and why he’d been invited to this party was […]

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[GW2] Burden of Secrets II

Yesterday, Ambrosine had split the converted cow pasture in half, separating her raptor Trouble from his compatriot in crime, Cap’s Cirice. They got along well–too well–but Ambrosine was aware that 1) it was spring and 2) she had no idea what the raptor mating season was. She didn’t want to find out the hard way. […]

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[GW2] Burden of Secrets

Ambrosine walked into the front office of Ames Engineering. The place always amused her on some deep level–it was a very industrial space, as you’d expect, and yet…it was infused with a very subtle sense of grace. Examples of work, from rifles to Imke’s bejeweled clockwork sculptures, were strategically placed about the room. It was part business, […]

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[GW2] Entanglements

“I hate asking more favors of you.” “Sop acting like I keep track, Eury.” Ambrosine leaned forward and picked up her drink from the table, swirling it absently. She missed this bar’s old location, and view of the beach. “Though it’s been funny that we’ve seen so much of each other lately.” “You are in […]

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[GW2] Splinter — Deadeye

[NOTE: this journal is a direct continuation of Splinter — Reaper posted by @quorgi, and was co-written with them.] [CW: gore and torture] The snow crunches beneath their feet. A crisp, if somewhat muted sound. It is familiar to the norn, reassuring even. Something reminiscent of home and kin. But today, it feels more like […]

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