[GW2] Too Close to the Action

Imke slowly opened her eyes. It took several minutes before she identified the Vanguard’s infirmary by the gilded ceiling. It didn’t help that vision in one eye was still a little blurry. She felt like a munched cog, for sure. Her body ached, and going right back to sleep sounded tempting–but so did drinking an […]

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[GW2] Security Upgrade

A mid-sized golem sat near the waypoint, emitting a quiet, electronic hum. It had soft roudned edges and looked non-threatening. It was a lie.  “Look, I didn’ design this shit for Largos,” Imke muttered as she stalked away from it. Whatsit, a tiny assistant golem and her perpetual shadow, beeped quietly. “Who the hell designs […]

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[GW2] Burden of Secrets II

Yesterday, Ambrosine had split the converted cow pasture in half, separating her raptor Trouble from his compatriot in crime, Cap’s Cirice. They got along well–too well–but Ambrosine was aware that 1) it was spring and 2) she had no idea what the raptor mating season was. She didn’t want to find out the hard way. […]

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[GW2] The Family You Choose

Ambrosine raised an eyebrow when Imke walked into her office. “Didn’t I tell you to knock like a normal person? I know you have a key but, come on.” “Look, I listen first. Last thing I want t’do is walk in on your an’ Jes fuckin’.” The young engineer claimed the chair on the other […]

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