• Jander wrote a new journal: [GW2] In Plain Sight 6 years, 3 months ago

    8:04 am – Red Rabbit exits through the front door. Roughly the same time as the previous mornings.After years of honing the craft, Reed was well-acquainted with all the most important components required to make a […]

  • Jander wrote a new journal: [GW2] Doldrums 6 years, 3 months ago

    A dim lamp situated atop the desk was the only light source to be found within the cramped confines of the modest office. It barely illuminated the surface of the desk itself, let alone allowing its rays to stray […]

  • Jander wrote a new journal: WANDED! Setraa The Voice (Contract Completed) 7 years, 7 months ago

    [[The following contains the official report on the first Crit List event, which took place on Friday, Feb. 24th. A copy of it is also viewable on the Crit List Wiki Page. Thanks again to everyone who attended […]

  • Jander wrote a new journal: [WoW] Letter to Sielic Trugran 7 years, 9 months ago

    [[A response to this post]] Janderius was enjoying an unusually lazy morning in his own bed when Sielic’s letter arrived for him. His restful slumber was interrupted by Jamethera impatiently thwapping the side of […]

  • Jander wrote a new journal: [WoW] TEh ArKaYne SaNkTuMb 8 years, 1 month ago

    Several days worth of planning, supply gathering, coordination, and hard work had led up to that moment. Feeling a swell of pride over the accomplishment, Janderius took a few steps back to admire the collective […]

  • Jander wrote a new journal: [WoW] When It Rains 8 years, 1 month ago

    During a brief lull in between the excessively destructive, apocalyptic scale assaults from the Burning Legion, Janderius found himself sitting down in the dormant grass a few miles away from what remained of […]

  • Jander wrote a new journal: [WoW] The Touch of the Void ((#snapped RP Log)) 8 years, 3 months ago

    Recap: After receiving a cryptic message from Arialynn, Jander immediately set off for the Grizzly Hills in pursuit of Mosur. He’d attempted to contact Kanta and Anarial to request their aid, but had trouble […]

  • Jander wrote a new journal: [WoW] To Bear a Curse 8 years, 4 months ago

    Hours of tireless trudging through the desolate, unforgiving snowblind had led up to that moment. He ignored the exhausted protests of his muscles. He ignored the onset of hypothermia and malnourishment. He […]

  • Jander wrote a new journal: [WoW] Sealed Letter to Velhari Demare 8 years, 4 months ago

    Dear Vel, I hope this letter finds you well (I’d be surprised if it finds you at all, actually, seeing as I have no guarantee that the postmaster will be able to locate you.) A long time has passed, and I regret […]

  • Jander wrote a new journal: [WoW] Return to Fort Talon 8 years, 5 months ago

    Janderius was not thrilled with the idea of visiting one of the Phantom Legion’s old abandoned fortresses. Painful memories aside, he never found the location to be very pleasant to begin with. However, he wasn’t […]

  • Jander wrote a new journal: [WoW][Archived Post- 2011] Into the Mouth of Hell We March 8 years, 6 months ago

    ((This entry was originally written and posted on the ERN on September 5, 2011. I just felt like posting it again, because it’s one of my favorites. For context, it takes place just after the Firelands raid […]

  • Jander wrote a new journal: [WoW] Familiar Defeat 8 years, 6 months ago

    Even with the biting Northrend winds whipping around the exposed cliffside, the familiar stench of a battlefield hung heavily over the Templar settlement. That combination of blood-soaked soil, rapidly decaying […]

  • Jander wrote a new journal: Failure 8 years, 11 months ago

    Days passed. Days. Janderius was up for nearly three days straight as he struggled to try and get a read on the missing Templar’s location. The eerie calm of the Deadwind Pass was far too quiet for him. […]

  • Jander wrote a new journal: Arrival 8 years, 11 months ago

    The trip from the nearest portal anchor to Westguard was not a short one. The flight was made even longer by Janderius’s insistence on staying low and weaving through the treetops to reduce his exposure to the […]

  • Jander wrote a new journal: Thrown 8 years, 11 months ago

    It was almost dawn by the time the weary mage had made it home. The hidden Ashenvale treehouse was quiet and still, save for the barely noticeable sounds of Janderius slipping in through the balcony door. A […]

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