• Rann wrote a new journal: Journal 9 years, 10 months ago

    Mallory’s eyes took a moment to adjust to the dim light of the tea room she had just stepped into. Peering around to find the darkest corner of the establishment, the young priestess found Aertemis seated alone at […]

  • Rann wrote a new post 9 years, 10 months ago

    Mallory’s eyes took a moment to adjust to the dim light of the tea room she had just stepped into. Peering around to find the darkest corner of the establishment, the young priestess found Aertemis seated alone at […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: Journal 9 years, 10 months ago

    Doradrassil surveyed the land below as her hippogryph soared into the Blasted Lands. She had left Hearthglen promptly after the mission briefing, but still, a number of Templars were already massing. She saw many […]

  • Rann wrote a new post 9 years, 10 months ago

    Doradrassil surveyed the land below as her hippogryph soared into the Blasted Lands. She had left Hearthglen promptly after the mission briefing, but still, a number of Templars were already massing. She saw many […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: Journal 9 years, 10 months ago

    Koryander and Arialynn:   Below is the documentation you've requested on where the money has come from and what sort of business I've conducted.     Receivables: 1) Aertemis Hopesong – charitable do […]

  • Rann wrote a new post 9 years, 10 months ago

    Koryander and Arialynn:   Below is the documentation you've requested on where the money has come from and what sort of business I've conducted.     Receivables: 1) Aertemis Hopesong – charitable do […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: Journal 9 years, 10 months ago

    “Do you have a few minutes to talk, little shadow?”   Doradrassil smiled. Aertemis had always been able to sneak up on her, and the sudden sound of her voice had long since stopped making her jump. “Of course,” […]

  • Rann wrote a new post 9 years, 10 months ago

    “Do you have a few minutes to talk, little shadow?”   Doradrassil smiled. Aertemis had always been able to sneak up on her, and the sudden sound of her voice had long since stopped making her jump. “Of course,” […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: Journal 9 years, 10 months ago

    Emma cringed as Mallory slammed the door behind them. Her sister had said she wanted to talk privately, but the paladin had a feeling that everyone aboard the Juuli's Hope would hear. She stared at Mallory for […]

  • Rann wrote a new post 9 years, 10 months ago

    Emma cringed as Mallory slammed the door behind them. Her sister had said she wanted to talk privately, but the paladin had a feeling that everyone aboard the Juuli's Hope would hear. She stared at Mallory for […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: Journal 9 years, 10 months ago

    “There,” Emma said, setting down the pen. “No turning back now.”   Arialynn's eyes shifted to the parchment where Emma had just signed her name on the roster for the first wave to storm the Dark Portal. Her […]

  • Rann wrote a new post 9 years, 10 months ago

    “There,” Emma said, setting down the pen. “No turning back now.”   Arialynn's eyes shifted to the parchment where Emma had just signed her name on the roster for the first wave to storm the Dark Portal. Her […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: Journal 9 years, 10 months ago

    “Seriously?!” Aertemis shot a look at Doradrassil.    “That one wasn't me!” Doradrassil protested, peering in the direction of the explosion in the Iron Horde's camp. The mystery of the exploding orc c […]

  • Rann wrote a new post 9 years, 10 months ago

    “Seriously?!” Aertemis shot a look at Doradrassil.    “That one wasn't me!” Doradrassil protested, peering in the direction of the explosion in the Iron Horde's camp. The mystery of the exploding orc c […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: Journal 9 years, 10 months ago

    Doradrassil paced herself, controlling her breath as she crept through the lines. As her cloak brushed against an unsuspecting orc, he clapped his hand over the spot thinking to swat an imagined mosquito. The […]

  • Rann wrote a new post 9 years, 10 months ago

    Doradrassil paced herself, controlling her breath as she crept through the lines. As her cloak brushed against an unsuspecting orc, he clapped his hand over the spot thinking to swat an imagined mosquito. The […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: Journal 9 years, 11 months ago

    Doradrassil addressed other night elf Wardens stationed in the Blasted Lands, a copy of Justicar Dawnfield's war declaration in her hand on loan from Mallory.   “Wardens…we are called upon when the needs a […]

  • Rann wrote a new post 9 years, 11 months ago

    Doradrassil addressed other night elf Wardens stationed in the Blasted Lands, a copy of Justicar Dawnfield's war declaration in her hand on loan from Mallory.   “Wardens…we are called upon when the needs a […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: Journal 9 years, 11 months ago

    Mallory blinked. Was that… Doradrassil? She thought the Warden had left already, but there she was talking with Sergeant Konse. Doradrassil saluted Konse crisply and turned away.    “Dora?” Mallory called.   Sh […]

  • Rann wrote a new post 9 years, 11 months ago

    Mallory blinked. Was that… Doradrassil? She thought the Warden had left already, but there she was talking with Sergeant Konse. Doradrassil saluted Konse crisply and turned away.    “Dora?” Mallory called.   Sh […]

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