• Sunscryer wrote a new journal: {WOW} Rebuilding 8 years, 6 months ago

    Nikala squinted, making sure the beam was straight. It was important to be certain everything lined up properly. It’s nice, she mused as she assembled the walking assembly and started to weld the first connection, […]

  • Sunscryer wrote a new journal: {BDO} A Life Outgrown 8 years, 6 months ago

    The streets of Calpheon teemed with life, packed to bursting with people going about their daily chores. Buying, selling, bartering, money flowed from hand to hand, the oil that kept the world running. It was a […]

  • Sunscryer wrote a new journal: {SWTOR} Visions 1 8 years, 6 months ago

    The crates flew in a final circle around the cargo hold, four ducks in a row. Sian made the third one spin – and almost dropped it. She regained control with a wince and placed them in their spots against the […]

  • Sunscryer wrote a new journal: {WOW} Loyal to the Cause (one disturbing scene) 8 years, 6 months ago

    She stood in the shadow of the keep wall and counted down the seconds in her head. Exactly eight minutes after Sielic entered the keep, she nodded to James and he gave the signal. The previously quiet courtyard […]

  • Sunscryer wrote a new journal: {WOW} The Frozen Heart part 1 8 years, 6 months ago

    The razor-cold air acted as another weapon; the living moved slower, were less eager. Were that much quicker to die. The battle turned into a route which turned into a slaughter. *Kill them all.* The Lich King’s […]

  • Sunscryer wrote a new journal: {SWTOR} A Mishun For an Imp 8 years, 7 months ago

    There is going to be a big mishun sune wen we will dres as imps and atak a reepublik plase to find informashin abowt Mister Salt. I asked him abowt Missus Peper like Mister Halonin told me ro. No one seemed to noe […]

  • Sunscryer wrote a new journal: {SWTOR} Meditation 1 8 years, 7 months ago

    Waffles. Waffles are evil. They burn your mouth. They’re not as evil as ice cream.Only the mouth gets hurt, not your whole head. Viessa will be able to fix them, just like she fixed ice cream. Viesa is the best […]

  • Sunscryer wrote a new journal: {WOW} Three Card Monte 8 years, 7 months ago

    Mael sat on the edge of the shattered tower and watched the waves roil and heave. A storm slid across the waters, far out but moving closer, grey sheets of rain blending with the grey ocean, creating the illusion […]

  • Sunscryer wrote a new journal: {WOW} A Matter of Leadership 8 years, 7 months ago

    Maelstrome sat on the edge of the ruined tower and stared across the waves at the nothingness beyond. Her thoughts jumped around, as they were wont to do. They were, after all, the thoughts of several. That went […]

  • Sunscryer wrote a new journal: {SWTOR} Flyt 8 years, 7 months ago

    Mister Halonon is a belly danser and pilet now. His father tuk all his money away so he had to find wurk. He luves flying so thats gud. I didnt no he culd danse but aparently yew need to danse in kombat. It makes […]

  • Sunscryer wrote a new journal: {FFXIV} A Life Reset (kinda nsfw) 8 years, 7 months ago

    I saw the lights before I saw the walls. A hundred hundred beacons coaxed, and I responded, despite my exhaustion, my weary feet, the cumbersome pack and three-sizes-too-large sword and shield. So many lights […]

  • Sunscryer wrote a new journal: A Sort of History of the Blood of the Rose 8 years, 7 months ago

    scene: a darkened stage, lit so only the front of is visible enter narrator stage right. as he speaks, enter spectator stage left. narrator: Witness, friends, this gathered… spectator: What are you doing? […]

  • Sunscryer wrote a new journal: {WOW} Life and Death vol. 358, issue 8, article "Pretty is Practical: An Interview With Nikala Sunscryer" transcript 8 years, 7 months ago

    The following is a transcript of my interview with Nikala Sunscryer, Death Knight and… “That’s Necrotized Chevalier, if you please.” I…what? “Necrotized Chevalier, not Death Knight. Not all of us go around […]

  • Sunscryer wrote a new journal: {swtor} Trayning 8 years, 7 months ago

    I told Viesa abowt Miss Saje being my new master but I told her she is my reel master. It is still hard to say master out lowd but I did it three times. Oh I shood do it here to. Master Viesa can do any thing. She […]

  • Sunscryer wrote a new journal: {SWTOR} Master 8 years, 7 months ago

    I need to fiks my reeacshun when somone says the word master. I know it dosent meen the same thing to the jedi as it did when I was a slave but every time somone says it I flinch. I cant evin say it out lowd […]

  • Sunscryer wrote a new journal: {WOW} Another New Beginning 8 years, 7 months ago

    Maelstrome sat on top of the ruined tower, feet dangling over the crumbled parapet, eyes gazing over the abandoned remains of the town. Built by the combined effort of members of both the Alliance and Horde, […]

  • Sunscryer wrote a new journal: {SWTOR} Peese is a lye 8 years, 7 months ago

    Theengs have ben going veree well, so I supose it shoodntt be a surprize that the end seemz neer. Vessa has ben teeching me and I have lerned so much from her. She taut me to fite with a vibro blade and promised […]

  • Sunscryer wrote a new journal: Republic Fugitive/Wanted Listing 8 years, 8 months ago

    ((Sian isn’t important enough to have a fancy Republic Dossier, but this came over the Cortex recently ~ and drunkenness.  Reward: CR 150 LEVEL 3 – MODERATE  Antilles “Angel” Drash Male Zabrak 6′ 7″ Red/Black W […]

  • Sunscryer wrote a new journal: {SWTOR} nite jedi and paddy wan 8 years, 8 months ago

    We are at Jakilin’s hawse. I think its Jakilin’s haws. its veree big evin biger than the brathol my old mastr put me in to trayn. Today i lerned abowt nite jedi and paddy wans. Miss Bedeesa is a nite jedi wich […]

  • Sunscryer wrote a new journal: Journal 8 years, 8 months ago

    viza sez I yuzed the fors wen I jumt frum the shep. I dint no wat that ment but she xpland it to me and shod me how to mov things with the fors. it is hard. she is so smart and strawng and I am hapee bkuz mis […]

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