
Wind cuts through the flaps of the tent and chills the air around her. It was warm enough both inside and out to keep the ice away, but the rain still stung enough. Why did it matter, it was common already. While Charr and people alike moved about outside, readying for a new push into […]

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Step Back

“When I said take care of the animals or something, I didn’t mean literally.” Gal chuckled as she sat across from Adilia with her tea, stirring softly. “Yeah, well it’s about the only thing I’m good at right now….’less someone has a workshop I can take to, maybe read up.” “Didn’t you steal some books […]

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The ale felt sharp in the cold as it hit the sylvari’s lips. She has to hiss and cough as it passes and travels through her, the leaves curling then undoing themselves all across the body.   What a way to start Dragon Bash.   She mumbles about the nature of the drink as she […]

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Square One

The house is quieter, more still. The warmth is gone here. The noise of papers flying, stories of science and magic and fighting, the voices…Gone. She was there, her things were there, but everything else, anyone else- Gone.  Gal stands in the doorway and looks over everything, letting the thumb run over the scar once […]

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