A Family Dinner

Although he had been away for awhile, the garrison that was established in New Draenor back when the Iron Horde was a threat remained unchanged. Inside the garrison dining room there was a large wooden table where Matthyas carefully laid out the meal prepared by his garrison, which included thick rib-eye steaks, crispy brown rolls, […]

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(Note this event took place during my roleplaying event on Sunday the 7th. Templar actions are summarized not to infringe on any characters. The only character lines I am using are my own and the characters that I created. I also updated the pic with a better one) It was another gloomy day in the […]

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A Mysterious Specter

Previous Journal Entry: https://trg.network/a-quiet-lunch/ It has been some time since Matthyas and Gorramn sat down for lunch. Days turned into weeks and just as quickly turned into months as they both continued to fight the Legion. Occasionally they found the time to send letters to keep in touch with their exploits and coordinate their efforts. […]

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A quiet lunch

Previous journal entry: https://trg.network/fixed-routine/ The cool night shines brightly on the stalwart paladin as they walk through the familiar stone opening. The silver part of his armor catches the bright light of the moon causing it to shine brilliantly and accent the gold and blue. The atmosphere and buildings are all too familiar to Matthyas […]

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Fixed Routine

Matthyas exits out of the portal from Dalaran and into the Light’s Hope chapel. To him, it is a beacon of light amidst the darkness and he feels at home here with the other Paladins. A couple of them recognize them and wave at him. “Praise the light!” He coolly replies to one of them. […]

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