Six years ago “Greetings, child. It took much time and expense to acquire you. Let us see if it was worth it.” A prick of a needle, and the pink-hued one-year-old girl howled. “Yes, feel the pain. It is yours. In time, you will learn to feed on it – it will give you power.” […]
Elli wrote a new journal: Lost(?) sheep (?) 2 years, 1 month ago
Elli glanced at the soaring spires of Valdrakken as she walked through the capital city of the Aspects and gave a small smile. “It’s good to see something that’s lasted,” she murmured before turning to face an […]
Elli wrote a new journal: Care of magical creatures Part 2 3 years, 8 months ago
The Kaldorei worgen left the infirmary, her face set. Silver eyes scanned the area, partially to ensure the area was safe but most in search of someone in particular. Upon seeing a group of Eredar, she moved i […]
Elli wrote a new journal: Care of magical creatures 3 years, 8 months ago
Elli moved silently through the shadows of the Banewood, the elusive scent of Theo pulling her onward. Damn this huntress and her wandering, the druid growled in her head. The huntress’s tracks […]
Elli wrote a new campaign chapter: Annoying paladins. 3 years, 11 months ago
Elli looked into the swirling white tornado in the center of that strange … waystation? Was that the proper word for the place? She shook her head. Whatever Oribos was didn’t really matter. What mattered was fin […]
Elli wrote a new journal: Journal 3 years, 11 months ago
Elli looked into the swirling white tornado in the center of that strange … waystation? Was that the proper word for the place? She shook her head. Whatever Oribos was didn’t really matter. What mattere […]
Elli wrote a new journal: Packing 4 years, 2 months ago
Seella busied herself packing her family’s belongings while her mind raced.
The Scourge have returned
She didn’t fault, couldn’t fault Ace for trying to protect her, but she also couldn’t help […]
Elli wrote a new journal: Good night 4 years, 10 months ago
Seella bent down to kiss each of the children good night before walking through the partition to her part of the tent. Sitting on the bed, her hand reached out and one finger traced the Draenic symbols lining the […]
Elli wrote a new journal: Tired 4 years, 11 months ago
So tired. Bone tired. Soul tired. Light forgive her but she was so so tired. Seella smiled gently at the patients she was currently tending, giving encouraging words as she channeled Light to ease their […]
Elli wrote a new journal: Elli's musings 5 years, 1 month ago
Elli settled in her private den and laid her head on her paws. What was she going to do? Hadn’t the humans learned their lesson from their own history as well as Kaldorei and Draenei? The Kaldorei, p […]
Elli wrote a new journal: Greatfather Winter's Reindeer 5 years, 1 month ago
It was that time of year again.As much as she complained when people teased her about being the reindeer for Greatfather Winter, Elli really did enjoy being a reindeer for a few select people – Ygraine, Ace and […]
Elli wrote a new journal: Elli's dreams part 5 5 years, 2 months ago
Idiots! Arrogant, conceited, self-righteous fools! Why didn’t they listen? Maybe if they had listened … the wolf raised her head, howling her anguish, her rage to Elune. Her mirror lay shattered at her fee […]
Elli wrote a new journal: Elli's dreams part 3 5 years, 2 months ago
The young women watched, helpless, as demons tore through their parents as easily as they tore through the other elves trying to retake the city. The two tried to talk them out of it, to no avail. Convinced […]
Elli wrote a new journal: Elli's dreams part 4 5 years, 2 months ago
Beaming, the young woman watched as her mirror and her teacher handfasted. As they gazed rapturously into each others’ eyes, a grin, this one a bit wry, touched her lips. She should’ve known her mirror wou […]
Elli wrote a new journal: Elli's dreams part 2 5 years, 2 months ago
The girl smiled as her mirror was accepted by the priestesses to begin training. Heart swelling with pride, she watched her mirror take the first oaths, watched the sheer joy filling her face. Their mother had […]
Elli wrote a new journal: Elli's dreams part 1 5 years, 2 months ago
Laughing, the kaldorei child ran down the pathway, chasing her own image as the two played amongst the trees. Light-hearted scolding from their mother had them running back to be scooped up by their mixed […]
Elli wrote a new journal: Maybe. (After RP journal) 5 years, 2 months ago
As fast as Elli could fly through the night sky, she couldn’t out fly her thoughts. Why didn’t she just keep her mouth shut? Ryo, as annoying as he was, didn’t deserve the turmoil her words apparently cause […]