• Elli wrote a new journal: [WoW] Stones and Fates 7 years ago

    Etsiyona Bearwalker.  Ellinde Feralsong.  Who or what was she?  She honestly wasn’t sure she knew anymore.  Too many things pulling her too many ways.  Leaving Moonglade had been the right thing to do when she wa […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: [WOW] Letter to Grand Marshal Acele Walkinson 7 years, 1 month ago

    A piece of sealed parchment marked “Confidential: Acele Walkinson, Grand Marshal” is delivered to Ace's office.   Grand Marshal Acele Walkinson,   The recent mission by the covert group know as 'The U […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: [WOW] Maritime delivery 7 years, 1 month ago

    In the morning the Raven's Revenge's deck will be dotted with imp-skull planters filled with daisies … and a thick layer of cooking oil covering everywhere between ….

  • Elli wrote a new journal: [WOW] Nightime deliveries 7 years, 1 month ago

    People wake up in the morning to find demon toes in their shoes and/or a demon horn next to the butter in their cold box as well as a lovely plant growing from an imp skull with flowers poking out of the eye sockets ….

  • Elli wrote a new journal: [WOW] A Living Dream 7 years, 2 months ago

    Around 9,300 years ago   Yllalaea Feralsong listened to her Prime as he spoke of the upcoming meeting with Malfurion Stormrage, as he commanded they all go with him to extract their vengeance.  A claw lifted to t […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: [woW] Weedy's pirate adventure (Mysterious room prompt) 7 years, 2 months ago

    Creaking wood and metal woke the young Kal�dorei.  Her head spun when she tried to stand, causing her to collapse back on the straw covering the floor. This was wrong.  This was very wrong.  Having never felt this […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: [WoW] Dinner invitation IV 7 years, 2 months ago

    Ace rode through Stormwind toward Elli�s place, casually returning the occasional wave from citizens who recognized him.  A slight smile lifted the corner of his lips as he reached her house; the small dwelling wa […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: [WoW] Dinner invitation III 7 years, 3 months ago

    Elli clopped over to where Ace was standing, his armor shining in the afternoon son.  A mischievous grin wrinkled her muzzle before she leaned her head over to drool on his shoulder. �…. Hey.  I just had thi […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: [WoW] Dinner invitation II 7 years, 3 months ago

    Elli looked down at the invitation again and closed her clawed hand around it.  Dinner party.  Formal dinner party.  With human nobles and officers.  Officers she could handle.  They�d all talk about casual events […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: [WOW] The Dinner Invitation part one 7 years, 3 months ago

    “This came for you sir,” the aide handed him a rolled missive with a wax seal from one of the many noble houses of Stormwind. Looking up at the aide, he nodded his thanks and waited for him to leave his office […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: [WoW] Bixink's wish (make a wish prompt) 7 years, 4 months ago

    Bixink opened the box from Dinkarn and blinked.  A tarnished, rather tawdry oil lamp festooned with gems lay at the bottom with a note resting next to it. Bix,This was with a few other artifacts shipped to me for […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: [WoW] Letter to Caelryn 7 years, 4 months ago

    A letter is found under her door when she returns home after being out.  The handwriting is surprisingly good with the words being written with long, elegant strokes. Caelryn. I�m not a good person for ad […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: [WoW] Gnome 7 years, 6 months ago

    Bixink wandered through Stormwind on her way to the tram, busily organizing all of her materials for the 12th time.  Truly annoying at times this organizing – which was why she�d trained the doomguard for it.  Tho […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: [WOW] The Nightmare 7 years, 6 months ago

    This occurs some time in the past weeks before Ace is found: Dry leaves blew on a cold wind into the mouth of the cave.  The worgen inside whined and thrashed in her sleep, the sounds echoing off the still […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: [WoW] Confusion 7 years, 8 months ago

    The older paladin parried another attack and stepped back, giving a bit more ground to the demons and fel-possessed in front of him.  He�d only survived this long because of the wall to one side of him and the cl […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: [WoW] – Moonlight Sonata 7 years, 8 months ago

    Trees whispered in the darkness, playing host to nocturnal birds and insects singing their quiet ballads.  A gentle breeze flowed around and through the woods, its melody merging into the chorus as it traveled. […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: Carnage 7 years, 8 months ago

    His limbs ached, reminding him of the agony he�d suffered though the torture had stopped hours before, the applications of pain spaced just far enough apart so that every blow felt new and fresh with none o […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: The gift 7 years, 9 months ago

    �Ace, get your fel damned parachute on!�  �Oh.  Right.� Explosions rocked the boat, driving Etsi to her hands and knees.  Convenient for her since she was running towards Ace anyway.  Damn heroic fool was trying t […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: Frozen Light 7 years, 9 months ago

    A small, relatively heavy package is delivered to Aunne at the keep.  On the outside is a short note written in Draenic. We found this among Seella�s things.  From the note we found within its pages, we tho […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: A mother's love 7 years, 9 months ago

    A package is delivered to the keep addressed to Grand Marshal Acele Walkinson.  Inside the package is a letter, a plain gold wedding band, a large gold ring with ancient Draenic runes, and 8 small gold rings, […]

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