• Elli wrote a new journal: Recognition 7 years, 11 months ago

    Elli�s nighttime prowls took her out of the keep and away from the grounds.  She couldn�t think properly being so close to humans and worrying about what they were doing or if they were safe.  Her paws carri […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: Thanks to my fellow monster 7 years, 11 months ago

    Several potted plants are found outside of Aunne’s door.  The plants are … strange, seeming like some hybrid mix between icecap, sorrowmoss, and nightmare vine.  Attached to one pot is a note. Don’t know if y […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: Apologies to Young Wolf 7 years, 11 months ago

    Outside of Caelryn’s door one morning will be a smallish box.  Light, scuffling sounds can be heard inside.  When opened, there will be a tiny wolf pup, obviously a runt, sleeping peacefully inside with a note. H […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: Internal dilemmas 7 years, 11 months ago

    Assured he was sleeping, Etsiyona rose from the bed and out of the room.  As she walked her body warned her she shouldn�t be moving; the two near misses with the toss and nearly going over the edge of the tree wr […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: Night watch 2 8 years ago

    Elli prowled the ground, growling, snarling, and snapping at nothing in frustration.  Didn�t her new pack understand?  You didn�t let a diseased member back in if it was trying to kill the members.  No wolf liked […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: [Wow] – Writing prompt – Tiny annoyances 8 years ago

    �This is an interesting predicament.� Bixink rose from the patch of ground upon which she�d been laying unconscious. �Must have been some party.�  She placed her hands on her bare hips and perused her naked body […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: [WOW] Family ties 8 years ago

    A letter is delivered to Westgarde Keep, addressed to the Grand Marshal.  The writing on the envelope is childish, obviously not written by someone particularly skilled with letters. Daddy, My trainers told me […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: Bloodthirsty savage 8 years ago

    Etsiyona�s head rested on her front paws as she watched the Grand Marshal sleep, her own sleep not coming to her this evening.  Shaking her head in a vain attempt to clear her thoughts, she rose and padded si […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: Special delivery 8 years ago

    A box is deposited on the steps of the keep with an envelope addressed to Aunne.  When opened, there are multiple pots with enriched soil as well as bags of seeds of various kinds of flowers, all imbued with […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: Shattered 8 years, 1 month ago

    Gritting his teeth, Niodas looked into the mirror.  There were no scars on the perfect skin of his face, reminding him of his skill in the ways of the sword and shield.  Hair darker and glossier than a raven’s w […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: Night watch 8 years, 1 month ago

    The moon rose sharp and clear through the frigid air.  Elli lifted her head from her front paws, gazing at the bright orb for a moment before yawning widely and rising to her hind ones.  Walking softly around t […]

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A glimpse into the Underworld

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