Six years ago “Greetings, child. It took much time and expense to acquire you. Let us see if it was worth it.” A prick of a needle, and the pink-hued one-year-old girl howled. “Yes, feel the pain. It is yours. In time, you will learn to feed on it – it will give you power.” […]
Nukkal wrote a new journal: Workshop Notes 1 year, 4 months ago
PROJECT DRAFT: P-CSSAR-0.1 Sloppy shorthand covers the page; the rapid pace of the writer warped the letters to the point of near hieroglyphics. Who needed codes and secondary encryption when the best security […]
Nukkal wrote a new journal: Redemption 4 years, 2 months ago
Is there redemption for a coward?
Caelius was not sure how his path had led him here, to the Drizzlewood Coast. It had been years since he had been among his own people, preferring the solitude of the road and the […]