Six years ago “Greetings, child. It took much time and expense to acquire you. Let us see if it was worth it.” A prick of a needle, and the pink-hued one-year-old girl howled. “Yes, feel the pain. It is yours. In time, you will learn to feed on it – it will give you power.” […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: WoW Nynkasi: Regrets 3 years, 8 months ago
*Did you ever think you’d be here like this?
The Maldraxxi commander had grinned, cuffing her upside the head like a stubborn child. “You’re dead, kid. You can either get used to it and fight, or just disappear […] -
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: DnD: Annabelle Returns 4 years, 1 month ago
She walked up the path, wondering. How long had it been.
How long had it been?
His letters weren’t indicative of a great deal of time having passed, but it had been some…time since she’d received one. […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: WoW Ygraine: Clouds at Dawn 5 years ago
It had been getting better.She’d been talking to the healers. The priests had been teaching her. Things seemed a little brighter, a little more confident. She could see darkness, still, hovering as ever on the […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: WoW: Adyren 5 years, 4 months ago
Where the waters fall and tides surgeWhere darkness breeds in deep bound waveWhere starlight dies and moon lies coldWhispers are there, songs of voidThere was no fear when the beast dropped her in the water, even […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: WoW Nynkasi: That Asshole 5 years, 6 months ago
Nyn stomped around her camp, swearing quietly as she gathered together materials to fill the forge pit. Godsdamn that over glorified ember. Oh here’s something important you might like! Oh sure, take it and just […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: WoW Lulyeta: Meeting 5 years, 8 months ago
They didn’t doubt her devotion to the Light or her fervour, no. She was not a fighter, no armor wielding paladin for sure, and that had raised some concern. She was instructed in some martial arts, but her focus […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: WoW Nynkasi: Life 5 years, 11 months ago
Nynkasi tromped into the mountains north of Boralus, further into the woods, moving until all sounds of civilization faded. There wasn’t a lot she brought with her, not even in terms of clothing. The elemental […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: WoW: Thoughts of a Night Elf 5 years, 11 months ago
You couldn’t see the sky for the stars…He didn’t know why that thought struck him, as they stood waiting, fearful and angry. Watching as the eclipse sailed across a full and desolate moon. He could, though, […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: WoW Nynkasi: Summoning VI 6 years, 2 months ago
She heaved the last of the bars into place, wiping sweat off her brow. The forge, gladly hired out by the Kul Tiran blacksmith, blazed long that day and night as Nynkasi worked the chunks of ore into shining bars. […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: WoW Nynkasi: Summoning V 6 years, 2 months ago
Nynkasi hauled the ore nuggets back with painful slowness. Literally. Her whole body ached as she left the realm of earth, and passing from Deepholm….oof. She kept stumbling in the waking world, as the heaviness […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: WoW Nynkasi: Summoning IV 6 years, 2 months ago
Thoughts swirled around her head as she once again stared into the coals. Emotions battered something inside her as well, causing her to frown and hug her knees as she huddled before the fire. She was so… She […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: WoW Isoldei: Memories 6 years, 3 months ago
THWAP. PTING. THWAP.Issy lowered the bow for a moment, grunting as the arrows struck home into the distant stump. Good enough. And then reached for a bottle of gin, took a hearty swig, and grabbed another arrow […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: WoW Nynkasi: Summoning III 6 years, 3 months ago
The air was filled with smoke. Hot. Hotter then the forge, hotter then she could stand. Which was strange, being Dark Iron…The lava pools in the heart of the city, shadows, thick, hot smoke. Shouting. […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: WoW Nynkasi: Summoning II 6 years, 3 months ago
What the hell. Open your eyes. Maybe there are other truths.That wasn’t right. That wasn’t, couldn’t be *truth*. How could he do this?!She stormed through the forests south of Boralus, eyes filled with hot tears, […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: WoW Nynkasi: Summoning 6 years, 3 months ago
Bastard! Summoning? ASKING?She growled and kicked more stones as she stomped back to her quarters. Damn this stupid, horrible, weak, soft, wet place! Damn it! There was no *real* forge, no towering spires of stone […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: WoW Nynkasi: Introductions 6 years, 3 months ago
*Screaming, as usual. Mother and Father, in the foreroom, shouting. Walls shaking with energy, cracking with Father’s power. Shadows swirling around Mother’s voice. Brother sitting on the end of her bed, tucking […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: WoW Issy: Stowaway 6 years, 4 months ago
Well, shit.Four paws hit the cobblestones and a wealth of familiar smells hit her nose. Cue drool. Getting here wasn’t an issue, nor was finding clothes again, although clothes felt so damn weird these days. There […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: WoW Kun Yi: Past Lives 6 years, 4 months ago
“Sir?” Kun peered around the tent flap, holding a helmet under her arm and looking more then vaguely concerned. Also, ugh. Her head was pounding. Thank goodness she’d been put on guard duty, although…crap, […]
Wallaroo wrote a new journal: WoW: A Dog's Life 6 years, 4 months ago
There was a dog, resting it’s head on the cool grass, snoring softly in the dim light of early, early morning. Well, something like a dog, maybe a little too big, a little too rangy. Some of the locals muttered […]