• Cael wrote a new journal: The Edge of a Knife [Larch] 1 year, 8 months ago

    In the aftermath, Larch worked.   She used her spells, first, repairing flesh and wood alike where fire had charred and blades had cut. This was the first raid she’d dealt with in a long time; the last sh […]

  • Ari started the topic VRPNetwork Rules in the forum Network Resources 1 year, 8 months ago

    The following is cross-posted from our #vrpn-rules channel in Discord. These are the rules under which our community governs itself.


    1. Diversity, Inclusion, Safety, & Respect
    Respect fellow guildmates and gamers. Gamers, especially here in the VRPN, are from many walks of life. Step outside your bubble, strive to understand, honor…Read more

  • Cael wrote a new journal: Corpse in an Alley, Skull in the Garden, Skeletons in the Closet [Larch] 1 year, 8 months ago

    “…Why did you even tell me that?”   “Don’t whine. It’s not becoming. One or another, however you decide, you should know what he is. Informed decisions are the basis of smart plans,” Flower said, both rut […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: [Pathfinder] Revenge And Justice 1 year, 8 months ago

    Mallory Jane Everley stood over her parents’ grave—and her own—once more. Morning dew glistened on the headstones in the dim pre-dawn.  The twitching remains of a ghoul lay not twenty feet away.   It was fin […]

  • Razas wrote a new journal: Dark Thoughts, Dark Deeds 1 year, 8 months ago

    Isarn smelled of blood. Old rotted blood and fresh spray both, he could smell it even through his mask. It was the kind of place that had predators and prey, victims and victimizers. So many opportunities were […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: [Pathfinder] Mind Vs Spirit 1 year, 9 months ago

    Smash his face with a wine bottle. No… smash his face into a door until his head is stuck partway through it, then watch as his pants turn brown before Bolke obliterates the door, and him along with […]

  • Cael wrote a new journal: [Cael][GW2] Red Dawn 1 year, 9 months ago

    ((TW: self harm, suicide idealization, implied cannibalism, mindfuck)) Pain. Burning, itching- claws red, claws wet, claw herself claw herself she’s burning she’s cold she’s so cold why can’t she get war […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: Lost(?) sheep (?) 1 year, 9 months ago

    Elli glanced at the soaring spires of Valdrakken as she walked through the capital city of the Aspects and gave a small smile.  “It’s good to see something that’s lasted,” she murmured before turning to face an […]

  • Cael wrote a new journal: [Larch][Pathfinder] What Grows In The Garden 1 year, 9 months ago

    Larch sat on the bed, feeling bone deep weariness in every line of her. The baths had been nerve wracking. Hot water to soak in was a balm to body, mind, and soul, but sharing them…


    She was not body shy on […]

  • Cael wrote a new journal: [Rain and Chiro][GW2] Balance 1 year, 10 months ago

    Ice and pines give way to rocky trails leading down the mountain. They descend from the Shiverpeaks and the Pass, working south then north agian, to the great bustling chaotic metropolis of Lion’s Arch. There, t […]

  • Cael wrote a new journal: [Rain and Chiro][GW2] Breathing 1 year, 10 months ago

    They traveled slowly from the foothills of the norn homeland to Heolbrak and then Lornar’s Pass. The two were an odd pair, bear-sized red headed norn woman and tiny, energetic blonde asura girl, neither dressed o […]

  • Cael wrote a new journal: [Rain and Chiro][GW2] Woodcutting 1 year, 10 months ago

    The weather in the foothills of Hoelbrak is brisk and cool and damp, the rain from the night before and the temperature now coming together to necessitate scarves for both Norn and Asura. Rain, a towering norn […]

  • Cael wrote a new journal: [Larch][Pathfinder] Data Analysis Malfunction 1 year, 10 months ago

    It was impossible. Reprehensible. Absolutely one hundred percent straight fucked up.


    Larch regarded her list with the air of someone regarding the time and date of thier execution.


    This should n […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: Journal 1 year, 10 months ago

    Dear Mom and Dad,

    It feels weird to be writing to you like this. I’ve thought of writing to you before as a form of coping with grief, but in this case, I know this paper will actually find its way into your […]

  • Cael wrote a new journal: Journal 1 year, 11 months ago

    Larch nearly slipped off the branch of the tree and somehow, didn’t fall. Flower, next to her, laughed in cat fashion with a little mrrp, amused eyes watching her. They remained the same purple as all those y […]

  • Razas wrote a new journal: A Doctor's Nightmare 1 year, 11 months ago

    Mild Content Warning: Horrific imagery


    The woods were dark, and the mist was thick.


    Looking for these hags was difficult, even with his enhanced vision. For some reason, everyone had split up. T […]

  • Scond wrote a new journal: Sunset 1 year, 12 months ago

    An aged figure steps into a postal office, a package and letter in hand. Leaning heavily on his staff, he sets the items on the counter, as well as some gold, with a soft smile. He sends off his packages, and […]

  • Razas wrote a new journal: The Spark 2 years ago

    (Content warning, body modification/light horror/self harm) It happened on the trip back, after dealing with the Tatzelwurm. Something clicked on in Doc’s mind, a rush of information, things falling t […]

    • Profile picture of Rann
      replied 2 years ago

      Ooh chilling. Wonder how this’ll go when it comes out :3

  • Rann wrote a new journal: [Pathfinder] When the Meat Grinder was the Right Place 2 years ago

    Lenard gave Mallory a half-smile, which she felt was already the highlight of her day.


    “I appreciate you bringing these papers in. I just… needed to know,” he said with a deep exhale. He looked like an […]

    • Profile picture of Rann
      replied 2 years ago

      Glad you liked it! Hope you can imagine the kind of rhythm and feel I imagined for it. Second verse is more shouted, first and third are sang.

  • Razas wrote a new journal: Bedside Manner 2 years, 1 month ago

    ((Content Warning: Alluding to the vivisection of a creature. Proceed only if you feel comfortable with dark content.))


    “Ah, you’re awake. That chitinous hide of yours certainly is toug […]

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[Rann] The Search for Mallory Everley

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