• Rann wrote a new journal: Journal 2 years, 1 month ago

    “I don’t know what in the hells happened out there, but you look like you need somethin’ strong,” Jim said with a worried look.


    Mallory was sure she looked like the most mopey girl in the Inner Sea right n […]

  • Krab wrote a new journal: It's fine! 2 years, 1 month ago

    Kynkra hates the city. It’s too tall, it’s too noisy, it’s too much. He hates it. The Vanguard kind of loves it, he thinks. But it’s SO MUCH. The people here are good, they’re kind, they look at him like he’s the […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: [Pathfinder] The Kind of Person She Was 2 years, 1 month ago

    A million things whirled through Mallory’s mind in milliseconds.


    Is this a dream? Nightmare?


    No, it’s real. THAT THING is real. Heavens help me, it’s real!


    As the battle spun into full fr […]

  • Razas wrote a new journal: Ethics are Hard 2 years, 1 month ago

    He was about to close up for the night, when one last patient walked in. Well, stumbled. Holding her side and back, she was sweating and pale, and her hands were stained red with her own blood. 


    A human. O […]

  • Rann wrote a new journal: Journal 2 years, 1 month ago

    Mallory slipped into the kitchen and peered around for whatever side room would give her the privacy to change. She spied a storeroom and headed for a corner of it, pulling a large crate of produce against the […]

  • Ambrosine wrote a new journal: Lone Wolf, Redux 2 years, 2 months ago

    The guild mostly learned of Tove’s return when they heard her voice echo through the guild hall, although she declined to show herself at first.

    The hall was a strange place, acoustically, and one walking […]

  • Aunne wrote a new campaign chapter: The Great War and the Curse:. 2 years, 3 months ago

    It is difficult to explain the great war if you weren’t a veteran of it. By comparison to the other great conflicts that had ravaged the world, the Great War was orders of magnitude grander. A conflict that l […]

  • Aunne wrote a new campaign chapter: Chapter. 2 years, 3 months ago

    There is rampant speculation about the Gods – the argument about whether they were born of the beliefs of the various peoples of the world or were drawn to them is chief among them.  Regardless, the Gods came to […]

  • Aunne wrote a new campaign chapter: A History of the First Times: Part 1 – The First Days. 2 years, 3 months ago

    No one knows how the world was born.

    In the beginning, there were trees and mountains and rivers and storms, forests and animals and deserts, but it was chaos.  Primordial elementals vied for control of the […]

  • Razas wrote a new journal: Emergency Response: Gloomweaver 2 years, 3 months ago


    Between States, Nowhere, USA


    “Hey! Open up, please!” 

    Alain Mormont blinked then looked at the side of her RV with the door with confusion. Out the window and by the door was a woman runnin […]

  • Razas wrote a new journal: Journal 2 years, 5 months ago

    Kismet laughed. Okay, yeah, the Magmarian underground world didn’t look like a huge payday, but the threads of fate told her different. A bad eruption, a possible few homeless Magmarians, and several million i […]

  • Scond wrote a new journal: (Gw2) Phantom 2 years, 6 months ago

    The wind carried the scent of the sea, mixing with the smell of the hot cup of tea before the pale haired man. He brings the piping hot brew to his lips, and takes a gentle sip, sighing contently as he relaxes. He […]

  • Donari wrote a new journal: What's in a Name? 2 years, 6 months ago

    This is a brand new land.  Or a real old one.  Or an old one making itself newer than new.  It’s all new to me, that’s for sure.  Though people are people everywhere when you boil them down.  Ok, pausing a moment […]

  • Mike changed their profile picture 2 years, 6 months ago

  • Scond's profile was updated 2 years, 6 months ago

  • Scond changed their profile picture 2 years, 6 months ago

  • Ambrosine wrote a new journal: Lone Wolf 2 years, 7 months ago

    Tove walked slowly through the snow. Her strides were short and methodical, shoving through snow and tamping it down, making space for the steps of the wolf behind her.

    Once, it had been the other way around, […]

  • Aunne wrote a new journal: Maya's New Book – Day 1 2 years, 8 months ago

    *The first entry in a blank book left for Maya by the Commander …

    I have to admit,  in the grand scheme of things, boredom is a welcome problem to have.  By all rights, by every possible standard, I should be […]

    • Profile picture of Ari

      Poor Maya so easily thinks of herself as a burden. I think being a Hand left its own version of a mark on her: If she cannot be useful, she doesn’t have worth.

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