Kicking the Wounded Animal

It was late. LATE at night (at least in Azerothian time) when Janderius made an appearance. Only another hour or two before sunrise would become a factor in Westfall.   The telltale shift of potent arcane energy was accompanied by the dull humming sounds and flash of light that went with it. The spherical doorway […]

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The Sin of Pride

((Writing collab done some by me, and also with volunteers Aunne, Jander, November/Robin, Sielic, Vendon, Roo, Elli, and Zaanthe. Im not sure I like the ending, but it will do for now. Enjoy.)) “I know, I know,” Theo soothed. Fang whined, unhappy, as she checked the buckles on the huge bat. It was a gift, […]

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Tracking a Traitor [Mythalen]

The eredar attacker made his way across the bridge below Dawnkeep and slowed to a confident walk. The sounds of battle in the courtyard behind him heralded the anarchy of the Repentant’s breaking. Glancing behind to see if anyone had dared to follow him, he noticed Nadana in his peripheral vision; she was on wing […]

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Report [Theo]

After turning most of the bear into food for Fang and herself, Theo took the time to clean herself and her gear. The Master had sent her far afield before, had seen her roadworn and travelweary, of course- but she anticipated some blowback from the encounter with the Fearstalkers, and it would be best not […]

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An Unexpected But Welcome Invitation [Zaanthe]

((Posted here for Zaanthe, whose account isn’t fixed yet. Letter by me. Enjoy! Suit reference.))     While travel between Stormwind and Oribos had been made near-enough trivial with the use of, essentially, death gates, the sensation of stepping through those portals wasn’t exactly something that vindicator Zaanthe was keen on. This was true […]

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Unpleasant Awakening [Theo][Zaanthe][Jander]

((A transcript with some minor edits for clarity and continuity, but mostly intact, between Theo, Zaanthe, and Jander. Leads up to the Hunting Theo event. Enjoy. All credit goes to Zaanthe and Jander for being awesome rp partners.))     Maldraxxus was, unfortunately, exactly as had been described. Zaanthe had heard tales about a realm […]

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Blood In The Water [Theo]

  “Aghh, ahh, shit,” Theo muttered, an inward hiss of pain. But it had to happen. A battered, bruised, bloody foe -such as she was, after the fight with the traitor- was easier to track, and she calculated she had some leeway before any decisions about search parties might be made. It was clean up […]

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The Sin of Wrath [Theo][Nemalu]

((Transcript turned journal of how the fight in the clearing went down between Theodora and Nemalu. Mad props to Janderius for bringing this NPC to life. Minimal edits made. Hope yall enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed rping it!))       Its a great pity that I can’t visit here under other […]

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Theodora’s Sinstone [Nadana]

After the return from Ardenweald, Nadana felt tired. It was not that the journey had been arduous, but that an inevitable decision had been reached. Though not exact it almost felt like having to choose one child over another. None of the Repentant nor Theo were her children, but the years of hands-on cultivating almost […]

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Into the Weald [Nadana]

The forest was eerily quiet, which wasn’t something Nadana had expected in Ardenweald. She couldn’t help but wonder if it was related to Theo’s attack. Ahead of her was a large seedpod, which lit up the area in a faint, steadily pulsing blue glow. Before it knelt the winged figure of Nemalu, the High Fervent […]

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Before the Fall [Theo]

Pieces of white porcelain patterned in green thorny vines lay like shattered stars against the only black, plush carpet of Lady Theodora Sabia Evergreen’s tower at the castle. She stared at them, numbly, knowing she needed to pick them up or at least call a dredger, and yet.    And yet.    How funny it […]

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Overworld: Peace was Never an Option

(( Written with Gerald. ))   It was a long ride with more adventure than the two guards had wanted, and still more waited. The Wetlands were treacherous with the lurking swamp creatures staying just on the edge of the shadows along the road. The fog helped keep them obscured from sight and the lantern […]

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A Small Trade

(( Thanks to Mosur for writing part of this and the feedback! )) ——- “What are these things again, Esreiella?” Gerald questioned pulling one of the iron caged vials full of red swirling anima. “A convenient source of power.” She answered tight-lipped. His constant questions and compounded with all of her own questions into a […]

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Split Up: Extraction

Nadana nodded at the draenei’s latest question. The castle would be a difficult place to enter, but not impossible. While she had taken the time to explain they were in the afterlife, debate with them whether they were dead or not, and explain the basic concept of Revendreth and its purpose. She hadn’t even started […]

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Split Up: Limits

((Collaboration with Jarrick! My contributions will be in bold text, his will be regular.)) It was difficult to determine how long they had been left there. Much like everything else that had happened to them thus far, they were given very little indication of where they were or how they had arrived there. The only […]

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I Got Mine

It’s been so long since I have started any journal entry that I’ve forgotten how to begin, and truthfully I’m hesitant to write my own thoughts. The time I spent reading over old entries has been painful, and not in some tragically emotional way. I mean that I physically cringe at everything I had written […]

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Picos’ Journal

Amazing day today! Was with Eos and Ametos, walking along road to patrol for dangers, and found Mortals! Was scared at first, didn’t know what they were, or why they were in Bastion. Eos was so brave, so was Ametos. They approached the newcomers without fear, asked why they had no guide or Ascended to […]

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Split Up: Pride Goeth

There was no way he was one of the Fearstalkers. She’d never a soul like that before. The darkhound broke free of the ice and growled agian. She removed the bat from where it sat on her shoulder. The little creature squeaked inquisitively. “Seek,” she said, soft and dangerous, to it and her hound. She […]

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Split Up: The Skin of his Teeth

((This post is a log of RP written in tandem with Cael! My contributions will be in bold text, hers will be regular.)) There hadn’t been any opportunity to even get a good look at the beasts that had been pursuing him. Best Jander could figure they vaguely resembled the bears he was used to. […]

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Split Up: Hunted or Hunter pt 1

The trees were a blur as Sielic ran past. He put everything into running. His surroundings were bizarre, he had never seen woods like this. An eerie red pervaded everything around him as he sprinted through. He looked for someplace dark and secluded, somewhere he could conceal and hide himself. The terrain sloped down into […]

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Split Up: Descent

The spell known as “Slow Fall” had always been one of Jander’s favorites. Though he would forever envy the druids of the world for their ability to freely coast along air currents in their flying forms, he considered the basic arcane spell to be the next best thing. With enough practice, control, and confidence, incredible […]

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Split Up

Taking wing and flying back toward the center of the shattered Azerothian sky the val’kyr and her attendants passed from one realm to the next. With her, the pair of attendants each carried in hand one of the stolen Templars. Their souls had been compressed into spheres, a magic binding to secure them during their […]

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Fallen Templars

A rudely interrupted Boys’ Night Out Marshal Mason was the first of the group impaled. He had drawn the ire of both Mawsworne Attendants at once, their agility allowed one to knock his shield away and the other to lunge it’s frightening spear toward his chest. It was going to be a damaging blow, but […]

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