• Vendon wrote a new journal: Broadsword 19 1 year, 3 months ago

    Ivran Chronicler looks out the window of his carriage. The city of Lastwall has finally come into view. The ride was peaceful but frightfully dull. All he could do was review his notes and check his old scars. The […]

  • Vendon wrote a new journal: Pathfinder THP: Lumbering Death 2 years, 10 months ago

    With a heavy thud, Sulfira carved a trench in the gravel beach. Her vision was blurred and her muscles ached. The ringing in her ears was suddenly drowned out by the roar of The Tarrasque. Struggling to get back […]

  • Vendon wrote a new journal: Pathfinder THP: Coira and Shantor 2 years, 11 months ago

    Market Street was quiet. A feint cloud of snow from the road blew by the entrance of the Rusty Dragon. In the front window of the building, a sign written in common, and varisian read “Under new management.” Arcs […]

  • Vendon changed their profile picture 3 years, 1 month ago

  • Vendon wrote a new journal: The Haunting Past: Alexander Penarrow 3 years, 1 month ago

    Dear Reader,
    For the first… and potentially last time, I will introduce myself. My name is Alexander Penarrow; Scholar of the Mists, sorcerer of the arcane, Doctor by trade, and enemy to the children of the […]

  • Vendon wrote a new journal: Dawnkeep: Fortifications 3 years, 4 months ago

    The path to Dawnkeep was a long one. But it was not difficult. Along with Morwel were some of the most seasoned and battle ready of Templars. The ghouls provided little challenge along the way, but they are not to […]

  • Vendon wrote a new journal: The Vision of Balor & The Red Wave 3 years, 8 months ago

    (This vision is in first person view, through the eyes of the blade’s owner.)


    Upon touching the blade, you are struck with a vision. The half-orc child picks up the falchion, his growls and grunts of rage […]

  • Vendon wrote a new journal: Broadsword Epilogue: Aust 4 years, 6 months ago

    So… I tried to kill myself. Nothing new except I didn’t realize what I had done until after the hammer dropped and that Agatha girl looked at me like I just kicked her dog. She wasn’t lying. The ammunition had g […]

  • Vendon wrote a new journal: Broadsword Epilogue: Grandmaster Shao 4 years, 11 months ago

    The gates to the School of the North slowly creaked open. Though the room was dark and her students were silent, neither of these things impeded the Jiang Shi’s senses. She could hear the rustle of their robes and […]

  • Vendon wrote a new journal: Broadsword Epilogue: Melda 4 years, 11 months ago

    The sun slowly crept up over the horizon. A fine morning in the town of Stags Fall. After a merry evening with all the people she liked, Melda ended up staggering out of the bar in search of bacon. With a pounding […]

  • Vendon wrote a new journal: Broadsword 18 5 years, 11 months ago

    The Nameless Knights muttering was cut short. The sound of iron twisting and breaking bone echoed through his ears. After nearly biting his own lip off, the knight dared to open his eyes. The sounds of gurgling […]

  • Vendon wrote a new journal: Enchantment: A Study 6 years ago

    The room was quiet. No windows, but plenty of warm and soft light. The walls were covered in book shelves and other knickknacks of varying origin. A feint smell of incense hung in the air. A sturdy love seat and […]

  • Vendon wrote a new journal: Broadsword 17 6 years, 1 month ago

    The Nameless Knight awoke with a start. His head pounding with pain, his hands tied, and his eyes blinded with cloth. A sudden lurch upward sent pain through him again. “Where am I?”A kick to the chest nearly had […]

  • Vendon wrote a new journal: Broadsword 16 6 years, 1 month ago


  • Vendon wrote a new journal: Broadsword 15 6 years, 3 months ago

    The dark skies began to clear at dawn. Quietly closing his journal, the Nameless Knight made his way out. The streets were silent and not a soul in site. The voices from the night before gnawed at his mind. By the […]

  • Vendon wrote a new journal: Broadsword 14 6 years, 3 months ago

    Later, the two had arrived at the elders home. The exterior was weathered and cracked. Once inside, the elder barred the door shut and checked the port holes in his windows. Books lined one wall with the opposite […]

  • Vendon wrote a new journal: Broadsword 13 6 years, 4 months ago

    The bar patrons were dumbstruck. They argued among themselves for a few minutes until a slammed mug on the far table got their attention. “Blast it! If you would look at the man, you would see he is a seasoned w […]

  • Vendon wrote a new journal: Broadsword 12 6 years, 4 months ago

    Heading back to the town square, The Nameless Knight started to grow weary. The fatigue weighed on him heavily today. Taking a rest at the public fountain, he looked around. Still, something seemed off. People […]

  • Vendon wrote a new journal: Broadsword 11 6 years, 4 months ago

    As the sun creeped up over the horizon, the knight continued his writing. The voices were quiet today. The only clear words he could make out were “Mortivox” and “Betrayal”. Shutting the journal, the knight […]

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