[Chat Log] Shadows Gather

Doradrassil: Ah. Thank you for coming.   Naevis: Longshadow. Frostsong.   Aertemis fades in at her surname and nods.   Doradrassil: It's been a while.   Naevis: The world's been busy. As have I.   Naevis: As have you.   Doradrassil: Then I'll be brief.   Doradrassil: I have with me…   Doradrassil pats the […]

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The Book Changes Hands

"Hello, Rann."   Rann looked up at the Warden towering over her as she ate a conjured muffin. Doradrassil held in her hands the tightly-wrapped spell tome Rann had entrusted to her while Rann had gone to visit Karabor upon her arrival. "Hey, Doradrassil. Thanks for taking care of that. Can we talk?"   "Of […]

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Final Preparations

"Are you sure, ma'am?"   Mallory allowed herself a small smile as she set down her pen. Peter Alabaster's Gilnean accent made the word "ma'am" sound like "mom," which always amused her since he was five years her senior. "Of course I'm sure," she answered, sealing an envelope and handing it to him. "Are you […]

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A Game of Thorns

**NOTE: The following journal contains spoilers for a level 91 quest in Shadowmoon Valley. This quest becomes available relatively early. This quest chain hit me in the feels so I wanted to write something about it.**   Doradrassil drew in a deep breath and pulled a small stone from her pack. She never got tired […]

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Setting the Chessboard

Rann turned a slow circle in place, a pen in one hand and two stacks of notes in the other — a small stack of blue papers and a small stack of red. A veritable tower of the red notes, with various scrawlings all over them, encased her within it as the tiny sheets hovered […]

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Rann on Ley Lines and Brainstorming Plans

Rann stared at an arcane-sensitive whiteboard in her living room, set up hastily and leaned against the wall. She paced back and forth at a brisk pace, formulating plans. Twirling her fingers in the air, tracing the lines of an unseen map in her mind, the lines appeared on the board in glowing violet. Hardly […]

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Mallory’s eyes took a moment to adjust to the dim light of the tea room she had just stepped into. Peering around to find the darkest corner of the establishment, the young priestess found Aertemis seated alone at a table, tapping her fingers on a leatherbound book in front of her and grasping a cup […]

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For the Rose

Doradrassil surveyed the land below as her hippogryph soared into the Blasted Lands. She had left Hearthglen promptly after the mission briefing, but still, a number of Templars were already massing. She saw many familiar faces who, by way of portals, had managed to arrive here even sooner than she. While some were unknown to […]

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Letter to Arialynn & Koryander: Business Matters

Koryander and Arialynn:   Below is the documentation you've requested on where the money has come from and what sort of business I've conducted.     Receivables: 1) Aertemis Hopesong – charitable donation from Aertemis to help me get my business running. I mentioned wanting to invest. She provided the capital to do it. 2) […]

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"Do you have a few minutes to talk, little shadow?"   Doradrassil smiled. Aertemis had always been able to sneak up on her, and the sudden sound of her voice had long since stopped making her jump. "Of course," she answered, looking up from some papers in the direction of the voice.   Aertemis ghosted […]

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Tense Talks

Emma cringed as Mallory slammed the door behind them. Her sister had said she wanted to talk privately, but the paladin had a feeling that everyone aboard the Juuli's Hope would hear. She stared at Mallory for a long moment. Mallory did not meet her gaze, but looked down at the floor. She finally looked […]

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Caught in the Act

"There," Emma said, setting down the pen. "No turning back now."   Arialynn's eyes shifted to the parchment where Emma had just signed her name on the roster for the first wave to storm the Dark Portal. Her gaze returned to the young paladin, who still bore one or two burn scars from her last […]

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The Expert and the Amateur

"Seriously?!" Aertemis shot a look at Doradrassil.    "That one wasn't me!" Doradrassil protested, peering in the direction of the explosion in the Iron Horde's camp. The mystery of the exploding orc camp was solved in moments, however. Rolling, obnoxious laughter pierced through the rumbling of the settling rubble and cries of orcs. The laughter […]

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The Midnight Assassin

Doradrassil paced herself, controlling her breath as she crept through the lines. As her cloak brushed against an unsuspecting orc, he clapped his hand over the spot thinking to swat an imagined mosquito. The deadly Warden slipped by, working her way deeper into the ranks, seeing her way by the light of the fires and […]

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Show Them Why

Doradrassil addressed other night elf Wardens stationed in the Blasted Lands, a copy of Justicar Dawnfield's war declaration in her hand on loan from Mallory.   "Wardens…we are called upon when the needs are most dire, when the fate of us all hinges on a single victory or defeat. No one has called upon us today […]

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What A Warden Is Born To Do

Mallory blinked. Was that… Doradrassil? She thought the Warden had left already, but there she was talking with Sergeant Konse. Doradrassil saluted Konse crisply and turned away.    "Dora?" Mallory called.   She saw Doradrassil cringe. Mallory remembered, belatedly, that the Warden hated that nickname. Doradrassil slowly turned toward her and simply said, "Yes?"   […]

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After the Crypt

"Where did you find this young woman?"    Rann was snapped out of her reverie by Shadowsage's sudden question as she continued to nurse the unconscious Idella back to health. The concern in her voice was clear.    "In a crypt under Raven Hill Cemetery," Rann answered after having to think for a moment. The […]

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Razboom the Entrepreneur

Razboom wasn't sure who to hate more… The Shadow Trader for sending him once more into Alliance territory, or the Bilgewater Cartel for joining the Horde and making Alliance territory so dangerous to goblinkind. Maybe he should just hate Thrall for his power play that annexed Bilgewater into the Horde. In any case, he once […]

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Fear and Peace

<– Previous Journal * * * Next Journal –>   Mallory's hands flew forward, and a shimmer surrounded the young man at the forefront of the assault team, protecting him from the oncoming blows from the large golems. A splash of foul red liquid sent several people running with burns on their skin. Mallory offered […]

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Sister Act

<– Previous Journal * * * Next Journal –>   Rann mumbled an oath under her breath as her kite dipped yet again, diving at the ground. Kageseji nearly snorted with laughter… when she suddenly fell silent, her own kite flying off on the wind, the string forgotten as she froze, purple eyes huge, fear […]

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The Seeds of Ashenvale

<– Previous Journal * * * Next Journal –> The last few days had been nerve racking. Night elves gazed with baleful, suspicious stares at the goblins who had — much to their own distress — entered the Ashenvale forests without the aid of shredders or even much weaponry. And only two goblin-made trikes rode […]

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The New Student

<– Previous Journal * * *Next Journal –> Rann yawned, strolling into her living room. Kageseji sat in a chair, her Templar tabard still draped over her body, embroidering. By hand. Rann arched an eyebrow. "Morning… Still tired from overdoing it the other day?" Kageseji looked up and smiled brightly. "Morning! No, I'm good!" Rann […]

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<– Previous Journal * * * Next Journal –>   A young woman settled into a chair as a cool breeze blew. A plain envelope, unmarked except for its delivery address, lay open nearby as she read the letter she had just received.    To our most gracious benefactor:  I have personally inspected all sites […]

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[Doradrassil] Recovery

Doradrassil flinched as the tuskarr healer poured a salve over the wound in her leg. She had made it far enough to signal for help before collapsing in the snow, and had awoken to their hospitality in one of their village's tents as one of them worked to nurse her back to health. The salve […]

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Warden vs. Warden

Doradrassil cautiously strafed about Maiev, silently cursing that cloak she wore. It wasn’t without its practical uses… It hid Maiev’s arms, hands, and much of her posture that Doradrassil might otherwise use to anticipate her enemy’s next move.   But what did she want anyway?   “Despite your obvious need for instruction,” Maiev started, “you […]

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