A glimpse into the Underworld

(reading guide: Ghosts are Italicized, living are “quoted”, “when both, singing together”, Caps is shouting) Candles are set in a large circle along the runes of the protected zone in the hideout, a task for the apprentice, as Argus sets a record on the player. A musical collection of one of his favorite stories, of […]

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Prodigal Father

The smell of this island, the sweet fruit, the salt spray, the clear air…to outsiders it was intoxicating. To a sixteen year old boy who has never left it, it was a very pretty prison, only taking occasional trips to the mainland of the Crystal desert once a year. But something was different today, he […]

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Silverware, chopsticks, buttons, writing quills…still needs improving…but a gun… Argus fires at the target, hitting just left of dead center “Better…” He makes some adjustments, the floating, moving parts of his Jeiidtech arm adjust and recalibrate. As a prototype went, it was functional, weighty, and the energy circulation system functioned wonderfully. It would need some […]

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Mission successful Argus slumps against the wall, eventually dragged over to a bed in the infirmary, beads of sweat running down his face. While it was no longer bleeding, there was a indiscruabable pain where his arm once was. His arm was gone, gone… He could still feel it, it still felt like it was […]

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First Blood

Thunderous beats of hammer to steel, ring like church bells as the Wintersday season returns. Argus sits, leg cocked up on the chair, watching a smith work. He drew the designs himself, while the recipient wouldn’t be ready for them by Wintersday, it would be good to make them now… The steady beat of the […]

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Ground Work

The familiar smells and sounds of the Mad King’s festival was in the air, enough pumpkin scents to choke someone to death. The number of masked party goers made slipping into Divinity’s Reach all too simple, and finding the right party was even simpler. Argus slipped into the mansion practically undetected, slipping passed security and […]

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Grim Recovery

  In the depths of the guild hall, tucked away in a small corner, the serene silence is broken with a fit of hoarse, gnarled coughing. A horrid relching follows as a figure turns over the side of his bed, heaving a sample of rather chunky red viscera. The man pants, sheets covering his lower […]

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[GW2] The Ravens

“Name of the guild?”   Oh fuck.   The name. He didn’t think of a freaking name. Why was picking the name always the worst thing about starting something new?! Fiel stammers. He has to find something. The registrar lifts her gaze from the paperwork to stare expectantly at Fiel from above the rim of […]

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[Cael][GW2] Red Dawn

((TW: self harm, suicide idealization, implied cannibalism, mindfuck)) Pain. Burning, itching- claws red, claws wet, claw herself claw herself she’s burning she’s cold she’s so cold why can’t she get warm where it is warm?   Fire. Fire warm. Make fire.   Flames eating consuming hungry she’s hungry hungry hungry hUNGRY   Later. Wet and […]

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[Rain and Chiro][GW2] Balance

Ice and pines give way to rocky trails leading down the mountain. They descend from the Shiverpeaks and the Pass, working south then north agian, to the great bustling chaotic metropolis of Lion’s Arch. There, they stay a few days. Rain insisted Chiro rest; thier route down had been dogged by one heavy snowstorm after […]

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[Rain and Chiro][GW2] Breathing

They traveled slowly from the foothills of the norn homeland to Heolbrak and then Lornar’s Pass. The two were an odd pair, bear-sized red headed norn woman and tiny, energetic blonde asura girl, neither dressed or acting typically for their species. Chiro didn’t notice the looks when they drew them, and any lingering stares were […]

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[Rain and Chiro][GW2] Woodcutting

The weather in the foothills of Hoelbrak is brisk and cool and damp, the rain from the night before and the temperature now coming together to necessitate scarves for both Norn and Asura. Rain, a towering norn wall of red headed muscle and cool eyes, makes the small blonde asura look even smaller next to […]

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(Gw2) Phantom

The wind carried the scent of the sea, mixing with the smell of the hot cup of tea before the pale haired man. He brings the piping hot brew to his lips, and takes a gentle sip, sighing contently as he relaxes. He glances to the side, watching a group of kids, by the looks […]

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[GW2] — Whiteout

[cw: lil bit o’ gore] . . . Well. He’s done it now. Fiel was panting heavily, his ass in the dirt, the steam from the cooling bodies around him slowly rolling in the gelid breeze.   He had thought that the two armed soldiers flanking the supply runner had been the reinforcement. Logical: after […]

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[GW2] — Jigsaw

[cw: gore] . . . He was sitting under a tree perched on the little outcropping overseeing the land below.  Drizzlewood was a gorgeous place. A little damp, but wild and mostly untouched. Was mostly untouched. Now his people’s “ancestral home” was pockmarked by the ravages of war… and his own.   Fiel was munching on […]

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[GW2] — Bile

[CW: gore] . . .   The sound was crisp, sharp, and regular. Stab. Stab. Stab. The crunching of ice, the wet squelching and snapping, the cracking of stone, the soft humming of metal that sang with each impact… all of it, harmonizing with his rabid grunts.   There was no point in doing what […]

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Wind cuts through the flaps of the tent and chills the air around her. It was warm enough both inside and out to keep the ice away, but the rain still stung enough. Why did it matter, it was common already. While Charr and people alike moved about outside, readying for a new push into […]

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[GW2] — Orphic

The Cathedral of Silence. Not so silent anymore, what with the rhythmic clatter of distant hammers, mingling with the soft droning murmurs of the supplicants. The old temple of Grenth was being rebuilt. Not very quickly –most of the money, resources and workforce available going to the everlasting War Machine up North, not to mention […]

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[GW2] — Away

A notice is pinned to one of the low-hanging branches of the undead tree, where it would be easily noticed by anyone who’d visit. It is hastily written. I’m going away. I don’t know when I’ll come back. For my own sanity, and for the safety of the guild, I must leave. But I will […]

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[GW2] — Burrow

His will pushes deeper in. In the vast, rotted realm of its spirit, Fiel digs. He sinks, as the blade of his mind cuts a path, and down he goes. Down, and down, and down… slowly spiraling into this dark maze, this diseased jungle. He cannot rush. It is too tempting to thrash, to cleave […]

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[GW2] — Lethe

Fiel is sitting at the edge of the pool, chin in hands. Thinking. He is thinking back to moments earlier, when Riathan spoke of the North. Of Bjora Marches. Of Jormag. Of the Vanguard’s duties. Duties. His duties. What were they?  Fighting for the Vanguard? His friends? His family? His people? The place he calls […]

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[GW2] — Maxima Culpa

That uncomfortable feeling in the pit of Fiel’s stomach was back. A familiar nugget of uneasiness and anxiety. He feels guilty, like he had not been for a long, long while. He’s not even sure why exactly, though he has a pretty good idea. Of course, he won’t be sure until he actually asks, but… […]

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[GW2] — Conscientiam, Part 3:  Bis Repetita

He was sitting against the outer wall of the keep. Silent. Immobile. He barely felt the temperature, or the snow slowly gathering over him. Shapes moved in front of him. Voices… muffled around him. There were talking to him, but he couldn’t hear. All, save for one. Your fault… He shouldn’t have waited so long […]

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[GW2] — Conscientiam, Part 2: Old Wounds

What a joyous, boastful line of merry men and women they were. About forty of them, give or take. Most had followed Arnlaug and his cousins from Hoelbrak, incensed as they were by the big norn’s speech and days of continuous libation. Others were collected by the marching wave from the far-out settlements they had […]

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[GW2] — Conscientiam, Part 1:  Young Minds

“You’re ogling again.” Fiel straightened up quickly. “No I wasn’t,” he lied. Erland and Geirholf chuckled from across the small table. “I wasn’t!” the young norn insisted. Erland shook his head with a knowing smirk. “You’re still stroking at your tankard as if it was a maiden’s waist.” Fiel looked down. He was. “Shut up. […]

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