• Cael wrote a new journal: Journal 3 years, 2 months ago

    ((The one where it all comes home to roost. Hitting rock bottom involves pain… and actions have consequences.))



    Nadana lead Nemalu to the cell where Theo was being kept. It had been something t […]

  • Acele wrote a new journal: Uncrowned. [Theo] [Mythalen] 3 years, 2 months ago

    “Now this is quite a turn of events, isn’t it Theo?” A whisper of a voice echoes in the cell as Mythalen strides out of the shadows nearby. He looks down at her then continues his gaze upwards to her face and what […]

  • Cinero wrote a new campaign chapter: RB 8-1: The Caravan Op Begins. 3 years, 2 months ago

    Mission Report

    Fri, Feb 16, 2018 ((Jun 27, 2021))
    Team: Lyndi (Aslene), Jane (Cael), Shiro (DragoN), Isabelica (Basil), Sylvena (Dae), Proud (Aunne)
    Quiet (players absent): Kromrak

    Lyndi negotiates with […]

  • Vendon changed their profile picture 3 years, 2 months ago

  • Vendon wrote a new journal: The Haunting Past: Alexander Penarrow 3 years, 2 months ago

    Dear Reader,
    For the first… and potentially last time, I will introduce myself. My name is Alexander Penarrow; Scholar of the Mists, sorcerer of the arcane, Doctor by trade, and enemy to the children of the […]

  • Cinero wrote a new campaign chapter: RB 7-21: Planning Before the Storm. 3 years, 3 months ago

    Mission Report

    Fri, Feb 16, 2018 ((Jun 20, 2021))
    Team: Lyndi (Aslene), Jane (Cael), Shiro (DragoN), Isabelica (Basil), Sylvena (Dae)br/>
    Quiet (players absent): Aunne, Kromrak

    The team concludes their […]

  • Cael wrote a new campaign chapter: The Sin of Pride. 3 years, 3 months ago

    ((Writing collab done some by me, and also with volunteers Aunne, Jander, November/Robin, Sielic, Vendon, Roo, Elli, and Zaanthe. Im not sure I like the ending, but it will do for now. Enjoy.))

    “I know, I k […]

  • Cinero wrote a new campaign chapter: RB 7-20: One Hell of a Lawyer. 3 years, 3 months ago

    Mission Report

    Thu, Feb 15, 2018 ((Jun 13, 2021))
    Team: Jane (Cael), Shiro (DragoN), Proud (Aunne), Isabelica (Basil), br/>
    Accompanies the tin soldiers to the Conclave: Lyndi, Kromrak, Sylvena

    While […]

  • Mosur wrote a new campaign chapter: Tracking a Traitor [Mythalen]. 3 years, 3 months ago

    The eredar attacker made his way across the bridge below Dawnkeep and slowed to a confident walk. The sounds of battle in the courtyard behind him heralded the anarchy of the Repentant’s breaking. Glancing b […]

  • Cael wrote a new campaign chapter: Report [Theo]. 3 years, 3 months ago

    After turning most of the bear into food for Fang and herself, Theo took the time to clean herself and her gear. The Master had sent her far afield before, had seen her roadworn and travelweary, of course- but she […]

  • Cael wrote a new journal: Journal 3 years, 3 months ago


    (A lovely rp between Ace’s new main and Theo. Super fun!! Shoutout to ace for being awesome)


    The despoiled camp wasn’t suitable anymore for a number of reasons, not just the overwhelming smell […]

  • Insein wrote a new journal: [Niesnie] Nurtured Nature (Shadowlands 3) 3 years, 3 months ago

    (A conversation between Niesa and Elli)

    The battle was brief, but fierce. After the dust had settled, Niesa had summarily vanished, as was her wont to do when she was tired, sore or injured. The words of […]

  • Elli wrote a new journal: Care of magical creatures Part 2 3 years, 3 months ago

    The Kaldorei worgen left the infirmary, her face set.  Silver eyes scanned the area, partially to ensure the area was safe but most in search of someone in particular.  Upon seeing a group of Eredar, she moved i […]

  • Squall changed their profile picture 3 years, 3 months ago

  • Elli wrote a new journal: Care of magical creatures 3 years, 4 months ago


    Elli moved silently through the shadows of the Banewood, the elusive scent of Theo pulling her onward. Damn this huntress and her wandering, the druid growled in her head.  The huntress’s tracks […]

  • Zaanthe changed their profile picture 3 years, 4 months ago

  • Cinero wrote a new campaign chapter: RB 7-19: Beastbuckle and Bot Battle. 3 years, 4 months ago

    Mission Report

    Thu, Feb 15, 2018 ((May 16, 2021))
    Team: Jane (Cael), Shiro (DragoN), Proud (Aunne), Isabelica (Basil), Kromrak (DM), Sylvena (DM)
    Accompanies the tin soldiers to the Conclave: Lyndi

    There […]

  • Wallaroo wrote a new journal: WoW Nynkasi: Regrets 3 years, 4 months ago

    *Did you ever think you’d be here like this?
    The Maldraxxi commander had grinned, cuffing her upside the head like a stubborn child. “You’re dead, kid. You can either get used to it and fight, or just disappear […]

  • Insein wrote a new journal: [Neisnie] Kintsugi (Shadowlands Log 2) 3 years, 4 months ago

    Neisa spent an inordinate amount of time in the lake trying to meticulously clean all of the gunk out of her fur. Clawfuls of sand were scooped and ground into the clumpier parts in an attempt to work out and bind […]

  • Zaanthe wrote a new journal: Journal 3 years, 4 months ago

    [The following is slightly formatted RP from myself and Cael, which kicks off shortly after Zaanthe decides to go meet Theo to ‘get his shit back’, after the two exchange brief scathing letters to one another. […]

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